Thursday 8 February 2018

التداول على الأخبار هوتفوريكس


• إيداع وسحب الأموال ونقل بين الحسابات الخاصة بك.

• الوصول الكامل إلى منطقة العميل ميهوتفوريكس الخاص بك.

• أسعار العملات الحية.

• تداول الأخبار بمجرد أن يكسر.

• تحليل السوق من محللي الخبراء لدينا.

• الأحداث الاقتصادية القادمة مع تقويمنا الاقتصادي.

• الآلات الحاسبة التداول مفيدة.

• موارد التعليم الفوركس.

ملخص الأسعار الحية، وتحليل السوق، والأخبار.

• تدفق معدل الحية لعقود الفروقات على الفوركس (التخصصات والقاصرين والغريبة)، والمعادن الفورية والسلع والمؤشرات والأسهم.

• تيار أخبار السوق.

• أحدث تحليل كما نشره محللون السوق لدينا.

• انهيار كامل للأحداث القادمة الهامة التي يمكن أن تؤثر على الأسواق المالية.

• تصفية الأحداث الاقتصادية حسب البلد والفئة.

• نسبة المخاطر آلة حاسبة.

• نقطة المحورية حاسبة.

• آلة حاسبة حجم الموقف.

• سجل للندوات التداول الفوركس لايف كل أسبوع.

• لا تفوت مسابقة جديدة أو الخصم مرة أخرى.

• كن واحدا من أول من يعرف عن أحدث المنتجات والخدمات التجارية.

وأمبير. Бык. Зачисление и списание денежных средств и передачи между своими счетами.

وأمبير. Бык. Полный доступ к вашей клиентской области ميهوتفوريكس.

وأمبير. Бык. Текущие курсы валют.

وأمبير. Бык. Торговые новости، как только он ломает.

وأمبير. Бык. Анализ рынка от наших аналитиков экспертов.

وأمبير. Бык. Предстоящие экономические события с нашим экономическим календарем.

وأمبير. Бык. Полезные торговые калькуляторы.

وأمبير. Бык. ресурсы Научись.

Резюме реальных ставок، анализ рынка и новости.

وأمبير. Бык. Поток Живой ставки كفدس на форексе (специализации، несовершеннолетние и экзотика)، спот металлы، сырьевые товары، индексы и акции.

وأمبير. Бык. Новости рынка поток.

وأمبير. Бык. Последний анализ، как она опубликована наши аналитики рынка.

وأمبير. Бык. Полное разрушение важных предстоящих событий، которые могут оказать влияние на финансовые рынки.

وأمبير. Бык. Фильтрация экономических событий по странам и категориям.

وأمبير. Бык. Риск процент калькулятор.

وأمبير. Бык. متعدد целевой калькулятор.

وأمبير. Бык. Опорные точки калькулятор.

وأمبير. Бык. Позиция размер калькулятор.

وأمبير. Бык. Торговые позиции.

وأمبير. Бык. Валюта грузчики.

وأمبير. Бык. Живые графики.

وأمبير. Бык. Регистрация для ЖИВОГО فوريكس торговых вебинаров каждой неделю.

وأمبير. Бык. Никогда не пропустите новый конкурс или уступку снова.

وأمبير. Бык. ، ул.

أعلى 10 بم استراتيجيات مستوى الإنقاذ للمستثمر المتاحة.

تريد أن تصبح.

مدير صندوق هوتفوريكس بم؟

هل تريد أن تصبح.

تنويه المخاطر.

و هوتفوريكس بم هو نظام يسهل إدارة الأموال الموضوعة في حسابات منفصلة متعددة ليتم إدارتها من قبل واحد أو أكثر من أصحاب الحسابات، المدير (المديرين).

إن الأداء السابق لا یشیر إلی النتائج المستقبلیة ولا یتم تقدیم أي تمثیل من قبل الشرکة فیما یتعلق ببعض النتائج التي یمکن تحقیقھا من خلال الاستثمار في إدارة بم أو أن العملاء سوف یحققون أو یحتمل أن یحققوا أرباحا أو یتکبدون خسائر مماثلة لتلك التي قد يتم اظهار.

قبل الاستثمار في مدير بم تحتاج إلى النظر بعناية أي مخاطر بما في ذلك سبيل المثال لا الحصر أولئك المتورطين في التداول. لا توصي الشركة باختيار أي مدير بم. وتقع هذه المسؤولية على عاتق المستثمر وحده. ولذلك، فإن هف ماركيتس (سف) المحدودة تحت أي ظرف من الظروف، مسؤولة و / أو مسؤولة عن أي خسائر تنشأ عن استخدام برنامج هوتفوريكس بم.

حتى لو كانت جميع الجهود المعقولة التي بذلتها الشركة لضمان التقارير الإحصائية المناسبة لأداء مديري بم، لا يمكن للشركة ضمان دقة الأداء و / أو نتائج أي مدير بم.

الفائز من 20 جوائز الصناعة.

اتصل بنا.

حسابات بم.

مديري الصناديق.

قانوني: تأسست شركة هف ماركيتس المحدودة في سانت فنسنت وجزر غرينادين كشركة وسيط دولي برقم 22747 إبك 2018. إن أغراض الشركة كلها أمور لا تحظرها شركات الأعمال الدولية (التعديل والتوحيد) الفصل 149 من القوانين المنقحة لسانت فنسنت وجزر غرينادين لعام 2009، ولا سيما على سبيل المثال لا الحصر، جميع الأنشطة التجارية والمالية والإقراضية والاقتراضية والتجارية وأنشطة الخدمات والمشاركة في المشاريع الأخرى فضلا عن تقديم خدمات الوساطة والتدريب والإدارة خدمات الحسابات بالعملات والسلع والمؤشرات والعقود مقابل الفروقات والأدوات المالية المدعومة بالديون.

هوتفوريكس الأخبار.

عرض أدناه آخر الأخبار على الفوركس وسيط هوتفوريكس. هذه الخدمة المقدمة لك من قبل الموظفين في أفضل وسطاء الفوركس على الانترنت، ونحن نسعى باستمرار لتوفير لكم، زوار موقعنا على الانترنت، مع المعلومات الأكثر اكتمالا وحتى الآن على أي وسيط الفوركس قد ترغب في النظر في التداول مع.

31 أغسطس 2017، طوكيو، اليابان - المالية ماغنيتس - أصدرت وزارة المالية اليابانية تحذيرات ضد الخيارات الثنائية وسندات تداول العملات الأجنبية، واحدة منها هوتفوريكس وغيرها من M كارلو كابيتال المحدودة. M كارلو كابيتال، والذي يعرف أيضا باسم مونتي كارلو ثنائي، و هوتفوريكس، أكا الأسواق هف، تعمل في اليابان دون الحصول على إذن من السلطة المالية المحلية. وتذكر وزارة المالية أن الاثنين. . .

4 أغسطس 2017، لارنكا، قبرص - ليبريت - فوركس التجزئة العالمية ووسيط متعدد الأصول أعلنت شركة هوتفوريكس أنها أطلقت خدمة أوتوشارتيست لقاعدة العملاء العالمية. أوتوشارتيست هي الشركة الرائدة في السوق في التحليل الفني الآلي. يمكن تثبيت أدوات أوتوشارتيست على محطات MT4 العملاء لمسح الفرص عبر جميع الرسوم البيانية. يمكن لأصحاب حساب هوتفوريكس لايف الآن تجربة عملية التداول أكثر تبسيطا كما. . .

18 مايو 2017، بورت لويس، موريشيوس - بيأر نيوز واير - الجائزة المرموقة هي اعتراف التميز التجاري وسيط الفوركس على المستوى الدولي. على الانترنت النقد الاجنبى والسلع السلع، واعترف هوتفوريكس من قبل الاتحاد العالمي للشركات (ورلدكوب) لجمع أهم شرف الأعمال في العالم، بيز 2017 ذروة النجاح. الجائزة، والتي تهدف إلى تقديم لمجتمع الأعمال العالمي مجموعة من. . .

11 مايو 2017، جوهانسبرغ، جنوب أفريقيا - ليبريت - أعلنت شركة هوتفوريكس العالمية لوساطة الفوركس بالتجزئة عن إطلاق مكتب مخصص في جوهانسبرغ. هوتفوريكس هو اسم العلامة التجارية الموحدة لمجموعة أسواق هف، والتي تشمل هف ماركيتس سا (بتي) المحدودة، وهو مزود الخدمات المالية المعتمد من قبل جنوب أفريقيا فسب. تم منح هوتفوريكس رخصة فسب الصيف الماضي.

26 جان 2017، لارنكا، سيبروس - فينانس ماغنيتس - بعض الوسطاء قد أعيدت تسميته بعروض المكافآت ولا تزال قادرة على جذب العملاء مع الحيل والعروض الترويجية. بعد شهرين من إصدار سيسيك تعميما بإعلام شركات سيف المنظمة من تخفيض الرافعة المالية إلى 50x ووقف تقديم المكافآت، أصدر وسيط الفوركس عبر الإنترنت هوتفوريكس اليوم إعلانا لعملائه تسليط الضوء على استجابة الشركة للقواعد المقترحة. تمشيا مع سيسيك. . .

17 نوفمبر 2018، دبي، الإمارات العربية المتحدة - بي آر نيوز واير - فازت هوتفوريكس بجائزة أفضل وسيط فوركس في الشرق الأوسط 2018 في 17 مينا ففكسبو دبي. وقد تم اختيار هوتفوريكس من قبل 17 فكسبو دبي، أحد المعارض المالية الرائدة في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا، للحصول على جائزة تعترف بخبرتها وتعترف بوضعها في الأسواق - وهو الوضع الذي حققته سياسة هوتفوريكس لتوفير أفضل شروط التداول الممكنة لعملائها. ال . . .

1 نوفمبر 2018، بورت لوس، موريشيوس - بيأر نيوسوير المملكة المتحدة - يسمح هوتفوريكس ماستركارد الجديد كليا للتجار بتحويل أرباح حساباتهم التجارية ودفع إلكترونيا في جميع أنحاء العالم. حاصل على جائزة الفوركس والسلع السلع وسيط، هوتفوريكس تقدم لعملائها الفرصة للحصول على بطاقة مسبقة الدفع التي سيتم توصيلها إلى حساب التداول الخاصة بهم. . . .

4 أكتوبر 2018، بورت لويس، موريشيوس - بي آر نيوز واوير - العالمية المصرفية والمالية مراجعة تكريم هوتفوريكس إيث أفضل وسيط فوركس جديد جائزة جنوب أفريقيا 2018. على الفور الفوركس والسلع السلع، وأضاف هوتفوريكس واحد أكثر الكأس لمجموعة كبيرة ومتوسعة من خلال الفوز أفضل وسيط جديد الفوركس جنوب أفريقيا 2018 أكولاد. وقد تم تكريم هوتفوريكس من قبل الرائدة. . .

19 أغسطس 2018، نيقوسيا، قبرص - اللجنة القبرصية للأوراق المالية والبورصات - يود مجلس لجنة الأوراق المالية والبورصات القبرصية (سيسيك) أن يبلغ المستثمرين أنه في اجتماعه الذي عقد في 18 يناير 2018، قرر فرض إجمالي غرامة إدارية قدرها 105،000 إلى سيف أسواق هف (أوروبا) المحدودة ('الشركة') لعدم الامتثال للتشريعات التالية: خدمات الاستثمار والأنشطة والتنظيم. . .

7 يوليو 2018، إيبين، موريشيوس - التمويل ماغنيتس - أعلن اليوم أن سيسيك والوساطة المنظمة عالميا هوتفوريكس أطلقت خدمة أخبار السوق 24/5 من فكستريت، واحدة من بوابة الأخبار على الانترنت الرائدة لتجار الفوركس. أطلقت فكس ستريت، التي أطلقت الربع الأخير من العام الماضي إعادة تصميم ضخمة لموقعها على شبكة الإنترنت، وقد تم الإعلان عنها في مقابلة حصرية مع شركة "ليبريت"، وهي أن الشركة تتطلع إلى التركيز بشكل أكبر على أعمالها في مجال الأعمال التجارية B2B. . .

21 يونيو 2018، جوهانسبرغ، جنوب أفريقيا - بي آر نيوز واير - تم ترخيص العلامة التجارية هوتفوريكس الآن رسميا من قبل مجلس الخدمات المالية (فسب) في جنوب أفريقيا، ترسيخ التزامها بتقديم العملاء أعلى مستويات الأمن. أعلنت مجموعة أسواق هف اليوم أنه بالإضافة إلى التراخيص والتنظيمات القائمة من لجنة الخدمات المالية في موريشيوس، وهي هيئة الخدمات المالية في سانت. . .

19 مايو 2018، بورت لويس، موريشيوس - بي آر نيوز واوير - أونلين فوريكس وسيط تم الاعتراف بجائزة هوتفوريكس في جوائز مينا فوريكس شو المرموقة لخدمة الأخبار والتحليلات السوقية المتميزة، وحصلت على لقب "أفضل وسيط للأخبار والتحليلات". وتشرف شركة هوتفوريكس على تقديم خدمة أخبار وتحليلات السوق في معرض الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا السادس عشر في دبي. . . .

11 أبريل 2018، بورت لويس، موريشيوس - بي آر نيوز واير المملكة المتحدة - ومبتكرة هوتفوريكس التطبيق، الذي بني في المنزل من قبل فريق هوتفوريكس من المطورين، يضع ثروة من المعلومات في متناول التجار على الحركة والتنقل. هوتفوريكس، وسيط الفوركس الحائز على جائزة عبر الإنترنت، عن إطلاق هوتفوريكس التطبيق - أداة التداول الأساسية لأجهزة الروبوت ودائرة الرقابة الداخلية. مع كل شيء من كسر أخبار الفوركس، وتحليل السوق والأحداث الاقتصادية القادمة للعيش. . .

13 أكتوبر 2018، بورت لويس، موريشيوس - بيأر نيوز واير - تم الاعتراف هوتفوريكس بأنها "أفضل مزود خدمة العملاء لعام 2018" من قبل الرئيس التنفيذي الأوروبي، الرائدة في مجال الأعمال التجارية الأوروبية. ويشهد هذا التقدير المرموق على العمل الشاق للوسيط والتفاني في التكيف مع اتجاهات صناعة الفوركس والطلب العملاء المتزايدة على خدمة العملاء المكرسة واليقظة. . . .

15 يونيو 2018، بورت لويس، موريشيوس - بي آر نيوز واير - تحتفل شركة هوتفوريكس بقصة نجاح أخرى هذا العام، وحصلت على لقب "وسيط الانترنت للعام - أوروبا 2018" من المجلة الأوروبية، والذي يعترف بالمنظمات والأفراد المتميزين لنقل صناعاتهم إلى الأمام. هوتفوريكس تفتخر تقليد منذ فترة طويلة كوسيط دولي استثنائي على الانترنت، بعد أن حصل بالفعل ثلاثة فروق من. . .

30 مارس 2018، بورت لويس، موريشيوس - بي آر نيوز واير - شبكة هف سوسيال ترادرس هي أحدث إصدار من الوسيط الإلكتروني الحائز على جائزة هوتفوريكس، وتقدم للعملاء المرونة لمتابعة ونسخ والتواصل مع التجار الآخرين عن طريق واجهة التداول الاجتماعي بديهية للغاية. تعلن شركة هوتفوريكس عن إطلاق خدمة هف سوسيال، وهي خدمة تداول اجتماعي مبتكرة تتيح للعملاء الوصول إلى المحافظ التجارية لأكثر من 250 ألف تاجر. هف الاجتماعية. . .

22 يناير 2018، بورت لويس، موريشيوس - بي آر نيوز واير - هوتفوريكس يفوز بالعنوان الهام "أفضل صندوق أمان العميل"، وهو اللقب الذي ثبت أنه يستحق الثراء خلال تقلبات السوق الأخيرة غير المتوقعة الناجمة عن قرار البنك الوطني السويسري (شنب) ، الأمر الذي دفع بشكل لا رجعة فيه قضية أمن أموال العملاء تحت الضوء العالمي. وقد أدى التزام هوتفوريكس الثابت لضمان أمن أموال العملاء إلى. . .

19 ديسمبر 2018، إيبين، ماويتيوس - تمويل ماغنيتس - ميتاكوتس تكتيكات الضغط ويبدو أن الاستمرار في التأثير على بعض الخيارات السماسرة الاجتماعية والإشارة منصة التداول تقدم. أصبح هوتفوريكس، وهو وسيط تنظمه لجنة الخدمات المالية في موريشيوس تحت اسم هف ماركيتس Ltd.، الآن أحدث وسيط الفوركس لوقف دعم منصة زولوتريد. في إعلان لعملائها نشر على موقع هوتفوريكس، وقالت الشركة ذلك. . .

11 يونيو 2018، سانت جورج، أوت، الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية - برلوغ - كما اتجاه المستخدمين تحول أكثر وأكثر لاستخدام الأجهزة النقالة وأقراص، هوتفوريكس قد حان الآن دائرة كاملة مع مجموعة كاملة من الحلول النقالة المتاحة لجميع أنواع المستثمرين. بعد عن كثب بعد إعلان مذهل من أربعة جوائز الصناعة لعام 2018 هوتفوريكس لا يظهر أي علامات على التباطؤ كما أنها تطلق كل جديد موقع المحمول بنيت الغرض م. hotforex.

5 أبريل 2018، لندن، المملكة المتحدة - برويب - كان عام 2018 ضخما ل هوتفوريكس التي تتمتع بنمو كبير، وبصمة عالمية أكبر، وإدخال العديد من الميزات التجارية الجديدة والأدوات. وقد أدى تحقيق كل هذا دون فقدان التركيز على جودة خدماتها إلى اعتمادها بعدد من الجوائز الصناعية. وقد أثبتت 2018 بالفعل أن هوتفوريكس لم تمكن فقط للحفاظ على النجاح الذي يتمتعون به. . .

10 مارس 2018، إبين، موريشيوس - وورد فينانس - النمو في سوق الوساطة عبر الإنترنت ليست بسيطة، ولكن من خلال البناء على استراتيجيتها السابقة للبقاء في صدارة حزمة، هوتفوريكس يجلب الحائز على جائزة المنتجات المالية إلى حضور عالمي أكبر. خلال العام الماضي تمكنت هوتفوريكس من ترسيخ مكانتها وضمان استمرار نموها في سوق تنافسية للغاية والأوقات العصيبة من خلال مجموعة واسعة من المنتجات التي. . .

13 سبتمبر 2018، نيويورك، نيويورك، الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية - بوسينيس وير - زولوتريد الملكية مزود إشارة المحرك مزود يجلب قوة التداول الاجتماعي لتجار هوتفوريكس. زولوتريد، أكبر الفوركس أوتوترادينغ الفوركس 2 الأقران تبادل العملات الأجنبية، والذي يسمح للمستخدمين للحد من تأثير العاطفة على التداول، أعلنت اليوم شراكتها مع هوتفوريكس، وسيط الفوركس الحائز على جائزة. مقرها الرئيسي في موريشيوس وبدعم من العملاء الدوليين. . .

20 فبراير 2018، إيبين، موريشيوس - وورد فينانس - من خلال النظرة الاستراتيجية التي تركز على تطوير البرمجيات والأجهزة والزبائن، وقد وضعت هوتفوريكس نفسها بعيدا عن الوسطاء الآخرين. وقد شهدت هوتفوريكس بعض النمو الهائل منذ إنشائها في عام 2018. وقد وضعت الوساطة، منذ المراحل الأولى، نفسها باعتبارها واحدة من المبتدئين المبتدئين في سوق الوساطة على الانترنت تنافسية للغاية وتستمر في إضافة إلى لها. . .

14 فبراير 2018، لندن، المملكة المتحدة - هوتفوريكس - تم منح هوتفوريكس أفضل وسيط على الانترنت في آسيا لعام 2018 من قبل واحدة من المجلات المالية المرموقة في العالم، وورد فينانس. ونحن ممتنون لكل من الائتمان الذي منحته لجنة الجائزة من وورد فينانس شركتنا، فضلا عن الدعم والولاء منكم عملائنا الكرام والشركاء. وقد أكد هوتفوريكس دائما على أهمية توفير خدمة كبيرة لعملائنا.

فيس بوك.

أحسنت موريسيو إنريك بارا سيلفا، باو هان تران وهندريكس محمد نور الذين كانوا الفائزين في المركز الثاني والثالث والرابع من مسابقة فيب 2017!

وسوف يحصلون على بعض الجوائز النقدية السخية من 3000 $، 1500 $ و 500 $ على التوالي.

التحكم العاطفي في الفوركس | ويبينار مجانية غدا 28 ديسمبر 12:00 بيإم غمت.

تاريخ كبار تاجر و فكس الباحث، كاي، لهذا الويبينار مستوى متقدم أن ينظر في كيمياء الدماغ وراء العواطف عند تداول العملات الأجنبية. معرفة أهمية التحكم في عواطفك والحصول على نصائح كاي حول كيفية القيام ...

هوتفوريكس ندوات الفوركس الحرة.

ستيفان جوبستل هو الفائز في مسابقة الفيسبوك لدينا احتفال لدينا 1 مليون يحب! تهانينا، ستيفان، سوف تتلقى قريبا العلامة التجارية الجديدة فون X!

شكرا لجميع من شارك - ونحن نقدر كل ما تبذلونه من دعم كبير!

أحداث ماكرو & أمب؛ أخبار أندريا بيشيدي.

التقويم هو بخفة في أوروبا وأمريكا الشمالية اليوم، أبرزت بيانات الرهن العقاري في المملكة المتحدة، بيع السندات الإيطالية، وبيانات ثقة المستهلكين في الولايات المتحدة.

أحداث ماكرو & أمب؛ أخبار.

هف ماركيتس ريفيو أوف ذي يار مع أندريا بيشيدي | ويبينار مجانية غدا 27 ديسمبر 11:00 آم غمت.

انضم إلى أندريا أثناء استعراضها للأحداث الأساسية والتقنية الرئيسية لعام 2017. وستشرح تأثيرها على الأسواق وكيفية وضع الأسواق في عام 2018.

أخبار الفوركس.

العودة إلى مجلس التجار.

15:55 يقوم زوج العملات ور / أوسد بتحديث قمم الجلسة على بيانات أمريكية أكثر ليونة.

والثور؛ الدولار الأمريكي لا يزال دون انقطاع البيانات بعد ليونة.

والثور؛ الثيران، إلى داخل، بالنسبة الي، بالنسبة الي، نوف.، تأرجح، الارتفاعات.

وسرعان ما عكس زوج يورو / دولار ور / أوسد تراجع جلسة منتصف أوروبا إلى منطقة 1.1925 وقفز إلى أعلى نهاية نطاق التداول اليومي.

وظل بيع الدولار الأمريكي دون هوادة بعد البيانات الاقتصادية الأمريكية اليوم أضعف مما كان متوقعا، واستمر في دعم الزوج خلال الجلسة الأولى للناشرين.

وعلاوة على ذلك، فإن الارتداد الطفيف بعد البيانات حول عائدات سندات الخزانة الأمريكية زاد بشكل إضافي من مخاوف الدولار الأمريكي وظل داعما لهجة الزوج القوية.

والثور؛ الولايات المتحدة: كانت المطالبات الأولية الأسبوعية 245،000، دون تغيير عن الأسبوع السابق.

والثور؛ الولايات المتحدة: مخزونات الجملة لشهر نوفمبر 610.2 مليار دولار، بزيادة 0.7٪ عن أكتوبر 2017.

والثور؛ الولايات المتحدة: بلغ العجز التجاري الدولي 69.7 مليار دولار في نوفمبر، بزيادة 1.6 مليار دولار من أكتوبر.

وسيكون من المثير للاهتمام الآن معرفة ما إذا كان الثيران قادرين على الحفاظ على مركزهم المهيمن ورفع الزوج إلى ما بعد المقاومة في قمة نوفمبر / تشرين الثاني بالقرب من منطقة 1.1960 وسط ظروف سيولة رقيقة قبل العطلة.

كما يتضمن الجدول الاقتصادي الأمريكي اليوم صدور مؤشر مدراء المشتريات في شيكاغو، والذي سيتم النظر إليه الآن من أجل بعض فترات الراحة الفورية للثيران الدولار الأمريكي والزخم التجاري قصير الأجل.

تقول فاليريا بيدناريك، المحلل الأمريكي الرئيسي في فكستريت: & كوت؛ المقاومة اليومية من المستوى الحالي تأتي عند 1.1960 و 1.2000، مع كسر فوق هذا الأخير لصالح استمرار التقدم نحو 1.2092، هذا العام. الرقم 1.1900 هو الدعم الفوري، تليها منطقة 1.1860. & كوت؛

15:40 غبب / أوسد يلتزم بمكاسب أقل بقليل من منتصف 1.3400s بيانات ما بعد الولايات المتحدة.

والثور؛ فشلت البيانات الأمريكية في تخفيف الضغط الهبوطي الأمريكي.

والثور؛ ولا يؤدي ارتفاع عائدات السندات الأمريكية إلا إلى تحقيق مكاسب متراكمة.

حافظ زوج الباوند / دولار غبب / أوسد على نغمة العطاء القوية من خلال جلسة نا في وقت مبكر وكان رد فعل صامتة إلى حد ما اليوم للطبقات الاقتصادية الأمريكية من الدرجة الثانية.

وتداول الزوج ضمن نطاق تداول ضيق دون منتصف 1.3400s، لا يزال حوالي 15 نقطة بعيدا عن أدنى مستوياته في أسبوعين التي لمستها في وقت سابق اليوم، بعد بيانات صدرت من الولايات المتحدة غاب عن تقديرات الإجماع.

أظهرت البيانات الصادرة عن الولايات المتحدة أن طلبات إعانة البطالة الأولية كانت مستقرة عند 245 ألف خلال الأسبوع المنتهي في 22 ديسمبر (240 ألف متوقع) وارتفع الميزان التجاري للسلع بشكل غير متوقع إلى 69.68 مليار دولار في نوفمبر.

واليوم لم تكن البيانات الاقتصادية الأمريكية أضعف مما كان متوقعا لتخفيف المعنويات الهابطة السائدة حول الدولار الأمريكي، وساعدت الزوج على التمسك بمكاسبه، على الرغم من استمرار المزيد من المكاسب وسط ارتفاع عائدات سندات الخزانة الأمريكية.

كما تتميز القصة الاقتصادية الأمريكية اليوم بإصدار مؤشر مديري المشتريات في شيكاغو ولكن من غير المرجح أن يكون مغير اللعبة وسط ظروف السيولة الرقيقة قبل العطلة.

يقول ماريو بلاسكاك، كبير المحللين الأوروبيين في فكستريت: & كوت؛ من الناحية الفنية، فقد كسر زوج الجنيه الإسترليني / الدولار الأمريكي المقاومة الهبوطية المتجهة نحو الانخفاض، ويتجه نحو أعلى. بعد أن مرت زوج العملات غبب / أوسد بسهولة مستوى فيبوناتشي 1.3444 $، فإن الهدف التالي لزوج العملات هو 1.3460 $. المزيد من التحرك نحو 1.3500 دولار - 1.3520 دولار، ومن المرجح ارتفاع 8 ديسمبر. & كوت؛

15:39 الولايات المتحدة: بلغ العجز التجاري الدولي 69.7 مليار دولار في نوفمبر، بزيادة 1.6 مليار دولار عن شهر أكتوبر.

& كوت؛ بلغ العجز التجاري الدولي 69.7 مليار دولار في نوفمبر، بزيادة 1.6 مليار دولار من 68.1 مليار دولار في أكتوبر، & كوت؛ وفقا لما ذكره مكتب التعداد الامريكى يوم الخميس.

وبلغت صادرات السلع لشهر نوفمبر 133.7 مليار دولار، بزيادة 3.8 مليار دولار عن صادرات أكتوبر.

وبلغت واردات السلع لشهر نوفمبر 203.4 مليار دولار، بزيادة 5.4 مليار دولار عن واردات أكتوبر.

15:37 الولايات المتحدة: مخزونات الجملة لشهر نوفمبر 610.2 مليار دولار، بزيادة 0.7٪ عن أكتوبر 2017.

& كوت؛ قدرت مخزونات الجملة لشهر نوفمبر، المعدلة بالتغيرات الموسمية ولكن ليس لتغيرات الأسعار، عند مستوى نهاية الشهر 610.2 مليار دولار، بزيادة 0.7 في المئة عن أكتوبر 2017، وارتفعت 3.8 في المئة عن نوفمبر 2018، & كوت؛ وفقا لما ذكره مكتب التعداد الامريكى اليوم الخميس.

وقد تم تعديل نسبة التغيير في الفترة من سبتمبر 2017 إلى أكتوبر 2017 من 0.5٪ إلى 0.4٪.

وتقدر مخزونات التجزئة لشهر نوفمبر، المعدلة مع التغيرات الموسمية ولكن ليس لتغيرات الأسعار، عند مستوى نهاية الشهر 619.1 مليار دولار، بزيادة 0.1 في المئة عن أكتوبر 2017، وارتفعت 1.9 في المئة عن نوفمبر 2018.

ولم يطرأ تغيير على النسبة المئوية للتغيير في النسبة المئوية للفترة من أيلول / سبتمبر 2017 إلى تشرين الأول / أكتوبر 2017 دون تغيير تقريبا.

15:32 الولايات المتحدة: كانت المطالبات الأولية الأسبوعية 245،000، دون تغيير عن الأسبوع السابق.

& كوت؛ في الأسبوع المنتهي في 23 ديسمبر / كانون الأول، كان الرقم المتقدم للمطالبات الأولية المعدلة موسميا هو 245،000، دون تغيير عن مستوى الأسبوع السابق غير المنقح البالغ 245000، & كوت؛ حسبما ذكرت وزارة العمل الامريكية يوم الخميس.

وكان المتوسط ​​المتحرك لأربعة أسابيع 237،750، بارتفاع قدره 1،750 من المتوسط ​​الأسبوعي غير المنقح البالغ 236،000.

وما زالت إجراءات اتخاذ المطالبات تتعطل في جزر فرجن. وما زالت عملية تقديم المطالبات في بورتوريكو لم تعد إلى طبيعتها.

وكان معدل البطالة المؤمن موسميا المعدل 1.4 في المئة للأسبوع المنتهي في 16 ديسمبر، دون تغيير عن الأسبوع السابق معدل غير معدل.

وكان العدد المسبق للبطالة المؤمنة المعدلة موسميا خلال الأسبوع المنتهي في 16 ديسمبر 1،943،000، بزيادة قدرها 7،000 من المستوى المنقح للأسبوع السابق.

15:32 جاءت مخزونات الولايات المتحدة بالجملة بنسبة 0.7٪، فوق التوقعات (0.4٪) في نوفمبر.

15:31 الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية مطالبات البطالة المستمرة المسجلة عند 1.943 مليون فوق التوقعات (1.9 مليون) في 15 ديسمبر.

15:31 الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية مطالبات البطالة الأولية فوق التوقعات (240K) في 22 ديسمبر: الفعلية (245K)

15:31 الولايات المتحدة جاء ميزان تجارة السلع في -69.68B دون التوقعات (-67.7B-$) في نوفمبر.

15:02 أوروبا: Q1 2018 يمكن أن يرى بعض عدم اليقين المتجدد في المحيط - تس.

ويشير المحللون في تس إلى أن المخاطر الرئيسية للأجهزة الطرفية في عام 2018 ستكون الانتخابات الإيطالية بحلول أيار / مايو 2018، حيث تواصل استطلاعات الرأي رؤية حزب الاتحاد الأوروبي (M5S) في الصدارة، ولكنها تشير أيضا إلى أنه لا يمكن لأحد أن يفوز بأغلبية في هذه المرحلة.

& لدكو؛ وهذا من شأنه أن يشير بالفعل إلى أن الربع الأول من عام 2018 يمكن أن يرى بعض عدم اليقين المتجدد في المحيط، وتوسيع اتساع الائتمان. ومع ذلك، نلاحظ أن مخاطر الانتخابات في إيطاليا ليست ثنائية كما في حالة الانتخابات الفرنسية. وقد جعل قانون الانتخابات الذي تمت الموافقة عليه حديثا من خطر أن يكون الحزب الأوروبي المتشدد يشكل حكومة أقل احتمالا. ومع ذلك، فإن فترة طويلة من عدم اليقين يمكن أن تبقي ينتشر الطرفية على الحافة. ​​& رديقو؛

& لدكو؛ بالإضافة إلى ذلك، هناك بعض الأسئلة حول كيفية ميفيد إي (الذي تم تنفيذه في 3 يناير 2018) قد تؤثر على السيولة في السوق. ويهدف ميفيد الثاني إلى تحريك التداول خارج البورصة على أماكن التداول المنظمة. وسوف تكون هناك أيضا قواعد أكثر صرامة حول الإبلاغ عن تفاصيل الصفقات إلى المنظمين. مع أسواق رأس المال العالمية كما هي، قد يكون هناك بعض العواقب غير مقصودة من هذه الأنظمة الأوروبية محددة. & رديقو؛

15:01 احتياطي البنك المركزي الروسي ارتفع من $ 430.3B السابق إلى 432B $.

14:37 الدولار الأمريكي مقابل الفرنك السويسري (أوسد / تشف) يميل إلى مستويات منخفضة، بالقرب من 0.9800 قبل صدور بيانات الولايات المتحدة.

والثور؛ استمرار ضعف الدولار الأمريكي يمارس ضغوطا هبوطية للجلسة الثانية على التوالي.

والثور؛ توفر البيئة الحذرة دفعة إضافية إلى نداء الملاذ الآمن الخاص بالفرنك السويسري.

والثور؛ الثيران في محاولة للدفاع عن أهمية التقاء ما قبل دعم البيانات الأمريكية.

حافظ زوج الدولار الأمريكي مقابل الفرنك السويسري (أوسد / تشف) على نغمة العرض بشكل كبير، ويتم وضعه حاليا عند أدنى مستوياته في 3-1 / 2، حول المقبض 0.9800.

امتد الزوج التصحيح بين عشية وضحاها من المقبض 0.9900 وظل تحت ضغط بيع مكثف لليوم الثاني على التوالي يوم الخميس. وعلى الرغم من التحسن الجيد في عائدات سندات الخزانة الأمريكية، فقد حافظت ثيران الدولار الأمريكي على قدميه وأبقت بعض الضغوط الهبوطية على الزوج.

إضافة إلى ذلك، فإن البيئة الحذرة السائدة حول أسواق الأسهم تعزز دعامة الملاذ الآمن للفرنك السويسري، وتعاونت مع التصحيح الحاد للزوج من خلال جلسة منتصف أوروبا.

ويبدو أن الانخفاض قد تراجع الآن، على الأقل في الوقت الحالي، حيث يجد الزوج بعض الدعم قبيل منتصف اليوم المتحرك الهام جدا حيث يتطلع المتداولون الآن إلى الإطلاقات الاقتصادية الأمريكية من الدرجة الثانية لبعض الزخم الجديد.

وبالتالي، من المرجح أن ينتظر المتداولون انخفاضا حاسما في دعم المتوسط ​​المتحرك (200 & أمب؛ 100 يوم) دعم قرب منطقة 0.9785-80 قبل تحديد المواقع لأي مزيد من الهبوط على المدى القريب.

المستويات الفنية لمشاهدة.

ومن المرجح أن يؤدي الاختراق الواضح دون الدعم المذكور إلى تسريع الانخفاض نحو مستويات الدعم الشهرية بالقرب من مستوى 0.9735 قبل أن ينخفض ​​الزوج في نهاية المطاف لاختبار المقبض 0.9700.

على الجانب الصعودي، أي محاولات الانتعاش قد تواجه الآن إمدادات جديدة بالقرب من منطقة 0.9830، فوق نوبة من تغطية قصيرة يمكن رفع الزوج نحو المقاومة 0.9860 الأفقية قبل المقبض 0.9900.

14:35 البرازيل الميزانية الاسمية جاء الرصيد في -30.038 ب، فوق التوقعات (-49.7 ب) في نوفمبر.

14:32 البرازيل فائض الميزانية الأولية المسجل عند -0.909 ب فوق التوقعات (-10 ب) في نوفمبر.

14:07 جاء الميزان التجاري لجنوب أفريقيا (بالراند) عند 13.02 مليار، فوق التوقعات (1.3B) في نوفمبر.

14:03 استطلاع رأي رويترز: يبقى النفط الخام قريبا من 60 دولارا للبرميل في 2018.

ووفقا لآخر استطلاع للرأي أجرته رويترز، صدر يوم الخميس، فإن الجهود المشتركة لكبح انتاج النفط جنبا إلى جنب مع توقعات نمو الطلب العالمي القوي يجب أن تبقي خام غرب تكساس الوسيط أسعار النفط الخام قريبة من 60 $ / برميل في عام 2018.

أظهر مسح 32 اقتصاديا ومحللين أن أسعار خام برنت ستبلغ 59.88 دولار للبرميل في 2018، مقابل 58.84 دولار المتوقعة في الاستطلاع الشهري السابق.

أما بالنسبة لعام 2019، فقد بلغ متوسط ​​سعر خام غرب تكساس الوسيط 57.78 دولار في عام 2019 مقابل 57.01 دولار في الاستطلاع السابق، بينما بلغ متوسط ​​سعر خام برنت 61.31 دولار مقابل 60.79 دولار.

13:53 جنوب أفريقيا: لا يزال الراند عرضة للمشاعر المخاطرة - ب.

خفضت ستاندرد آند بورز قيمة الدين بالعملة المحلية في جنوب أفريقيا إلى مستوى الاستثمار الفرعي في نوفمبر، مستشهدا بتدهور إضافي في التوقعات الاقتصادية والأداء المالي، مشيرا إلى ماساشي موراتا، محلل أبحاث في ب.

& لدكو؛ جنوب أفريقيا و رسكو؛ ق التصنيف الائتماني من قبل فيتش وقد تم في منطقة الصف الاستثمارية الفرعية منذ أبريل. فمن المحتمل أن يكون الأمر مجرد مسألة وقت قبل أن تتابع مودي. حافظت مودي على ديون جنوب أفريقيا على المراقبة السلبية، مما يعني أنه قد يقلل من الديون إلى غير المرغوب فيه إذا كانت الميزانية السنوية القادمة لا تفي بتوقعاتها.

& لدكو؛ كان اقتصاد جنوب أفريقيا ضعيفا. تباطأ الناتج المحلي الإجمالي للربع الثالث إلى 0.8٪ على أساس سنوي من 1.3٪ على أساس سنوي في الربع الثاني. قام بنك االحتياطي في جنوب أفريقيا بخفض توقعات النمو إلى 1.2٪ في 2018 و 1.5٪ في العام التالي. ومن شأن النمو الضعيف أن يعزز خطر الهبوط في الإيرادات الحكومية، ويجعل من الصعب خفض النفقات.

وتراجع التضخم في جنوب أفريقيا في عام 2017. ويظل مؤشر أسعار المستهلك الرئيسي بالقرب من منتصف النطاق المستهدف، كما تباطأ مؤشر أسعار المستهلكين الأساسي في أكتوبر إلى 4.5٪ على أساس سنوي، وهو أدنى مستوى منذ يوليو 2018. ومع ذلك، فإن سارب سوف تحتاج إلى تظل متيقظة لوقف ضغوط التضخم. ومن المتوقع أن يرتفع مؤشر أسعار المستهلك الرئيسي إلى 5.1٪ على أساس سنوي في 2018 و 5.3٪ في 2019. في نوفمبر، صوت سارب بالإجماع للحفاظ على معدلات عند 6.75٪، على عكس الانقسام على احتمال خفض سعر الفائدة في سبتمبر. وقال إن توقعات التضخم تواجه مخاطر صعودية بما في ذلك الراند الضعيف وارتفاع أسعار النفط.

& لدكو؛ في حين أن الراند لا يزال عرضة لأشكال المخاطرة المحتملة، بما في ذلك تطبيع السياسة النقدية الأمريكية من قبل بنك الاحتياطي الفيدرالي ومخاوف بشأن تخفيضات التصنيف، فقد تم دعمه من خلال غلة عالية.

13:35 أوسد / كاد يجد بعض الدعم بالقرب من 1.26 مقبض.

والثور؛ وساعدت غودش في عائدات السندات الأمريكية على الدفاع عن 1.26 مارك.

والثور؛ الدرجة الثانية الولايات المتحدة لإطلاق بعض الزخم التجاري.

والثور؛ الولايات المتحدة بيانات مخزونات النفط الخام لدفع لوني المرتبطة بالسلع الأساسية.

يبدو أن زوج الدولار الأمريكي مقابل الدولار الكندي (أوسد / كاد) قد دخل مرحلة توطيد هبوطي، وكان ينظر إليه متأرجحا في نطاق تداول ضيق بالقرب من أدنى مستوياته في شهرين.

في الوقت الحالي تحوم حول المتوسط ​​المتحرك ل 100 يوم، تمكن الزوج من إمساك عنقه فوق مستوى 1.2600، وتمت رؤية بعض الدعم من عملية شراء جيدة في عوائد سندات الخزينة الأمريكية. ومع ذلك، فإن المشاعر الهبوطية السائدة حول الدولار الأمريكي فشلت في مساعدة الزوج على تسجيل أي انتعاش ذي مغزى.

ويتطلع المتداولون الآن إلى صدور البيانات الاقتصادية الأمريكية من الدرجة الثانية - مطالبات البطالة الأسبوعية الأسبوعية وبيانات ميزان تجارة السلع ومؤشر مدراء المشتريات في شيكاغو لزيادة قوة الدفع. ومع ذلك، فإن التركيز الرئيسي سيكون على مخزونات النفط الخام الأسبوعية لتقييم الأثر البيئي، والتي من شأنها أن تؤثر على الطلب على العملة المرتبطة بالسلع - لوني وتحفز بعض الزخم ذات مغزى وسط ظروف ما قبل عطلة رقيقة السيولة.

المستويات الفنية لمشاهدة.

ومن المرجح أن يؤدي الاختراق الواضح أسفل المقبض 1.26 إلى تسريع الانخفاض نحو الدعم الأفقي 1.2570-65، والذي من المرجح أن يتجه الزوج نحو اختبار العلامة النفسية الرئيسية 1.25.

على الجانب الآخر، فإن الانتعاش المستدام فوق مستوى 1.2630 قد يؤدي إلى ارتداد قصير الأمد نحو حاجز 1.2675-80 في مسار المقبض 1.2700.

13:20 المخاطر السياسية لصالح الملاذات الآمنة - تس.

على الرغم من أن المحللين في تس لا يرون تصعيدا للمخاطر السياسية في عام 2018، فإن أحداث السنوات القليلة الماضية تشير إلى أنه لا ينبغي تجاهلها.

& لدكو؛ وهذا صحيح بشكل خاص لأن البنوك المركزية تقلل من درجة الإقامة. ويمكن أن يؤدي عدم اليقين السياسي إلى نشوء حلقة تنطوي على مخاطر تؤدي إلى الطلب على الملاذات الآمنة. والأكثر وضوحا هو تصاعد التوتر مع كوريا الشمالية عن طريق اختبار آخر أو إطلاق صاروخ، مما يمكن أن يؤدي إلى رد عسكري. وبالإضافة إلى ذلك، قد يسبب الشلل السياسي خيبة الأمل إزاء عدم وجود سياسات تساعد على تعزيز النمو على المدى الطويل.

13:16 المكسيك: يجب أن تؤثر السياسة على البيزو بي.

وقد توقف الاقتصاد المكسيكي بسبب التشديد النقدي والمالي مع تباطؤ الناتج المحلي الإجمالي للربع الثالث إلى 1.5٪ على أساس سنوي، وهو أدنى معدل منذ الربع الرابع من عام 2018، ويشير إلى ماساشي موراتا، محلل أبحاث في ب.

& لدكو؛ تشير البيانات الشهرية في الربع الرابع إلى أن الاقتصاد لا يزال يتباطأ. October Mexico ANTAD retail sales rose 2.1% y/y, which is the slowest growth since December 2017. The average IMEF index level in October and November was lower than the Q2 average level in both manufacturing and non-manufacturing.”

“Inflation pressures remain high. November CPI accelerated to 6.7% y/y from 6.4% y/y in October. The Mexico central bank, Banxico, says it will remain vigilant to ensure a prudent monetary stance. It will need to keep monetary policy tight and maintain the relative monetary stance between it and the Fed. Another rate hike cannot be ruled out if the peso comes under pressure.”

“The Mexican government has kept the fiscal policy prudent. The fiscal deficit continues to shrink. It will be 1.4% of GDP in 2017, down from 2.5% in 2018. The rise in oil prices might be a trigger to ease tightened fiscal policy ahead of the presidential elections in July 2018.”

“The political situation remains unclear. According to polls, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO), who leads the left-wing party, Morena, is the front-runner with around 30% support. Former Finance Minister Meade, who is expected to get the PRI presidential nomination, follows AMLO with around 20% support. The PAN-PRD alliance continues to squabble over the method for selecting their presidential nominee, but PAN leader Anaya will be its candidate. Former First Lady Margarita Zavala left the PAN and is running as an independent.”

“The Mexican presidential elections tend to be fluid as President Peña Nieto’s 23% lead over AMLO slid to just 6.5% on election day. If AMLO is expected to win, markets would react negatively. The fifth round of NAFTA renegotiations ended without significant progress on contentious issues. The sixth negotiating round will be held in January in Canada, and could delay a final deal due to lack of agreement.”

13:13 AUD/USD retreats from two-month tops, back below 0.78 handle.

والثور؛ Surging US bond yields prompt some profit-taking at higher levels.

والثور؛ USD weakness/bullish copper prices to limit any deeper correction.

والثور؛ Second-tier US economic data might provide short-term opportunities.

The AUD/USD pair trimmed some of its early strong gains to two-month tops and retreated over 25-pips from levels beyond the 0.78 handle.

A goodish rebound in the US Treasury bond yields seems to be the only factors prompting traders to take some profits off higher-yielding currencies - like the Aussie, especially after the pair's recent upsurge of over 150-pips over the past five trading session.

Despite a modest retracement, the pair so far has held in the positive territory, around 100-day SMA, and was being supported by prevailing bearish sentiment surrounding the US Dollar .

Moreover, the bullish run-up in copper prices might continue to underpin demand for the commodity-linked Australian Dollar and help limit any deeper corrective slide, at least for the time being.

Traders now look forward to the US economic docket , featuring the release of weekly initial jobless claims, goods trade balance data and Chicago PMI, in order to grab some short-term opportunities.

Technical levels to watch.

A follow-through retracement below 0.7770 level (session low) could get extended towards 0.7730 intermediate support before the pair eventually drops to retest the very important 200-day SMA support near the 0.7700-0.7695 region.

On the upside, sustained move back above the 0.7800 handle now seems to pave the way for an extension of the pair's bullish trajectory towards 0.7845-50 supply zone ahead of 0.7880 level and the 0.7900 handle.

13:12 Italy 10-y Bond Auction: 1.83% vs 1.73%

13:09 BoJ: Little impetus to alter current course of monetary policy - TDS.

Analysts at TDS see little impetus for the BoJ to alter its current course of monetary policy and expect no changes to yield curve control next year as the BoJ likely prefers to be the laggard of the G3 central banks.

“We think that the BoJ will wait until the ECB is near the end of its taper program before signaling a change. Thus, the earliest we see a potential shift in the BoJ stance (as it relates to its balance sheet — most likely its ETF program) is H2 2018. With the BoJ already buying fewer JGBs and Abe receiving a supermajority in government, Kuroda should be reappointed as Governor once his term ends in April.”

“We believe monetary policy is widely viewed as the most successful “arrow” of Abenomics, with the economy nearing full employment despite lackluster wage growth and inflation.”

13:03 Brazil: The easing cycle is about to end - BBH.

Brazil’s economy continues to recover as Q3 GDP grew at 1.4% y/y, the most since Q1 2017, notes Masashi Murata, Research Analyst at BBH.

“The economy should continue to recover in 2018. Brazilian consumer credit has bottomed out due to lower rates. Low inflation and improved labor conditions should support private consumption. Business confidence has improved and industrial capacity utilities have gradually risen under a stabilized Chinese economy. Fixed capital formation could start to increase in Q1 2018.”

“The external account remains in good shape. Brazil’s current deficit stayed at 0.6% of GDP in Q3, which is the lowest it has been since Q1 2008. It is expected to marginally worsen to 1.4% in 2018, but this would be offset by the inflow of foreign direct investments (FDI). FDI to Brazil has been steady with the 12-month total near $7.0 billion.”

“Brazil’s inflation pressures have been low. October IPCA slowed to 2.7% y/y, well below the 4.5% target and in the bottom half of the 2.5-6.5% target range. The Brazilian central bank – Banco Central do Brasil (BCB) – cut rates by 50bp in December as expected. BCB has cut rates for the 10th straight meeting, with a total reduction of 725bp since October 2018. BCB suggested it may cut rates by 25bp in February 2018, but the easing cycle is about to end. The Brazilian economy will likely continue to recover, and inflation could start to accelerate.”

“The political situation remains unclear. Brazilian President Temer has tried to pass a pension reform bill but it would take more than four months to be approved. 250 to 260 lawmakers are currently in favor of pension reform, while 120 to 150 remain undecided. The Senate will not take the reform bill up until February 2018 even if the reform bill passes the Lower House.”

“High yields and a solid external account should support the real, but political risks could largely depress it.”

13:01 Brazil Inflation Index/IGP-M came in at 0.89% below forecasts (0.92%) in December.

12:59 RBNZ: Markets placing a very low chance on the hiking - TDS.

TD’s conviction for the RBNZ to hike next year has grown in the wake of 1) the inflationary impact of the Labour coalition’s policies and 2) the RBNZ’s acknowledgement that inflation pressures have picked up following the sharp drop in the TWI between August and November.

“The Bank accordingly lifted its 2018 forecasts above 2% for 2018. However near-term uncertainty regarding the election fallout on the economy and on confidence along with limited clarity on who the next RBNZ Governor will be means a February hike is less likely and accordingly this is removed from the forecast profile.”

“So far the market is placing a very low chance on the RBNZ hiking on TD’s forecast path as the market frets over a softening in house prices and a lower growth trajectory. However, our macro strategists consider these secondary issues as the risk of inflation hitting 2% materializes earlier (in Q3 2018, not Q1 2019) and trending higher, forcing the RBNZ to take action. TD pencils in two RBNZ hikes next year, for May and November.”

12:55 US: Focus on jobless claims and advance goods trade balance data - Nomura.

For the November reading of the US advance goods trade balance, analysts at Nomura expect a goods trade deficit of $66.0bn (Consensus: $67.9bn), which would be a narrowing of the trade gap from October’s $68.1bn.

“Goods imports have increased at a steady pace, likely reflecting healthy domestic demand. On the other hand, goods exports declined in October, driven by exports of food and beverages. In particular, soybean exports fell sharply by 45.7%, contributing to a wider-than-expected trade deficit in October. This large deviation was most likely due to a one-off event and could imply some payback for November’s goods exports data.”

ودقوو]؛ Initial jobless claims: Initial jobless claims rose 20k to 245k for the week ending 16 December, a slight uptick during the survey period for December’s nonfarm payroll employment report. Incoming data point to continued strength in the labor market. We continue to expect initial claims to trend lower.”

12:45 GBP/USD sits near two-week tops, around mid-1.3400s.

والثور؛ Persistent USD weakness supportive of the bullish move.

والثور؛ Rebounding US bond yields capping additional gains.

والثور؛ Traders now eye second-tier US data for fresh impetus.

The GBP/USD pair built on previous session's bullish breakout and is currently placed a near two-week high level, around the 1.3455-60 region.

Persistent greenback selling bias, with the key US Dollar Index tumbling to 3-month lows, remained supportive of the pair's strong up-move for the third consecutive session on Thursday. However, a goodish rebound in the US Treasury bond yields helped ease some of the USD bearish pressure and was now seen keeping a lid on additional gains, at least for the time being.

Meanwhile, today's release of the UK Finance mortgage approvals data, coming in at £39.51K for November as against previous month's revised £40.42K, went largely unnoticed and did little to influence the pair's momentum.

With the USD price dynamics acting as an exclusive driver, traders now look forward to the second-tier US economic data for fresh impetus.

Today's US economic docket features the release of usual initial weekly jobless claims, along with goods trade balance data and Chicago PMI, which might provide some short-term trading opportunities amid pre-holiday thin liquidity conditions.

Technical levels to watch.

A follow-through buying interest has the potential to continue lifting the pair towards 1.3475-80 supply zone en-route the key 1.35 psychological mark. On the flip side, any retracement below 1.3430-25 area now seems to find fresh buying interest near the 1.3400 handle, which if exhausted could drag the pair back towards the 1.3330 support level.

12:06 Copper hits the highest levels since Feb 2017.

Rallies on China demand outlook. Weaker DXY fuels the upside.

Copper futures on Comex prolonged its rally for the fourteenth straight session and went on to hit near 4-year highs at $ 3.321 last hours, before easing to $ 3.309 levels, as of writing.

Copper: Further upside still in play?

The red metal continues to enjoy the year-end gains, with fresh signs of strengthening crude oil demand emerging from the world’s top copper importer, China.

Reuters quoted a company source with the smelter, citing that China’s leading copper smelter Tongling Nonferrous Metals Group has agreed with Freeport-McMoRan Inc for treatment and refining charges (TC/RCs) at $82.25 per tonne and 8.225 cents per pound as the 2018 benchmark.

Moreover, broad-based US dollar weakness amid falling Treasury yields and downbeat US fundamentals also helps underpin the sentiment around the USD-backed copper. A weaker US dollar makes the USD-denominated copper cheaper for the foreign buyers and vice-versa.

The recent rally in copper got fuelled after the Chinese authorities ordered its top producer, Jiangxi Copper Co, to halt output for at least a week to combat winter pollution. This came after the No. 2 smelter, Tongling Nonferrous Metals Group, was asked to make similar cuts.

12:03 USD/JPY bounces off lows, still in red below 113.00 handle.

والثور؛ A goodish pickup in the US bond yields helps stall the bearish slide.

والثور؛ Reviving safe-haven demand might now cap additional gains.

والثور؛ Second-tier US economic data eyed for fresh impetus.

The USD/JPY pair stalled its bearish slide, at least for the time being, and has managed to rebound around 20- pips from session lows.

The pair finally broke down from its 4-days old narrow trading range and dropped to over 1-week lows during the early European session on Thursday. However, a goodish pickup in the US Treasury bond yields , although failing to revive the US Dollar demand, helped the pair to find some support near the 112.65 region.

Meanwhile, the prevalent cautious sentiment around European equity markets should continue to underpin the Japanese Yen's safe-haven appeal and might keep a lid on any meaningful recovery amid pre-holiday thin liquidity conditions.

Traders now look forward to the US economic docket , featuring the releases of usual initial weekly jobless claims, along with goods trade balance data and Chicago PMI, for some fresh trading impetus during the early NA session.

Technical levels to watch.

Any recovery attempts beyond the 113.00 handle might now confront immediate resistance near 113.20 horizontal level, above which the pair is likely to make a fresh attempt to clear 113.55-60 supply zone.

On the flip side, weakness below 112.65 area (session low) could get extended towards 112.30-25 zone ahead of the 112.00 handle before the pair eventually drops to the 111.65 important support (200-day SMA).

11:39 RBA: Expect two 25bp hikes for next year - TDS.

TDS macro strategists pencil in two 25bp RBA hikes for next year, in May and November, taking the cash rate from 1.50% to 2.00%.

“RBA commentary has been upbeat on the global and domestic economies for some time now and the Governor has indicated that the next move in rates is likely to be higher. So what is the Bank waiting for? For the Bank to hike we suspect they would need to see evidence that wage and inflation pressures are building in the next two sets of WCI and CPI prints before the May meeting. It is possible that the Bank could raise the cash rate even if not all the stars line up as Luci Ellis’ speech implied (i. e., inflation could be picking up but below the mid-point of the RBA’s 2-3% target band and growth can be below the 3% trend).”

“Rate cuts are a low probability outcome given the Bank’s focus on financial stability and the risk that cutting the cash rate would make the adjustment towards higher rates ultimately more difficult.”

11:38 United Kingdom BBA Mortgage Approvals came in at 39.507K, below expectations (40.472K) in November.

11:31 EUR/USD clings to gains near 1-month tops, just below mid-1.1900s.

والثور؛ USD selling remains unabated despite rebounding US bond yields.

والثور؛ ECB’s monthly bulletin reaffirms solid/broad-based economic growth.

والثور؛ Second-tier US data awaited for fresh trading impetus.

The EUR/USD pair held on to its strong gains near one-month tops, albeit remained capped below an important supply zone near mid-1.1900s.

The pair maintained its strong bid tone for the second consecutive session and remained supported by persistent greenback selling bias. Despite a goodish rebound in the US Treasury bond yields, the key US Dollar Index extended overnight slide, falling to levels not seen in more than three months, and underpinned the major.

Meanwhile, the release of ECB's economic bulletin for December, highlighting solid and broad-based economic expansion in the region and expectations that the underlying inflation will rise gradually, remained supportive of the already positive sentiment surrounding the shared currency.

The up-move, at least for the time being, now seems to have stalled ahead of November monthly highs resistance as traders now look forward to the second-tier US economic releases - initial weekly jobless claims, goods trade balance data and Chicago PMI, for fresh impetus.

Technical levels to watch.

A follow-through buying interest beyond 1.1950-60 area has the potential to continue boosting the pair further towards the key 1.20 psychological mark en-route 1.2030-35 supply zone.

On the flip side, the 1.1900 resistance break-point now becomes an immediate support to defend, which if broken could accelerate the profit-taking slide back towards 1.1855 horizontal support.

11:30 China temporarily exempts foreign firms from taxes for reinvested profits - RTRS.

China’s Finance Ministry came out with a brief statement on its website on Thursday, announcing it will temporarily exempt foreign firms from paying provisional income tax on profits they re-invest into the economy.

The reason behind this move is cited as an effort by the Chinese authorities to stop foreign firms shifting their operations out of the country. The temporary exemption on provisional income tax is retroactive from Jan. 1 this year, which means firms that have paid taxes this year will be refunded.

The statement read: The move will help “promote the growth of foreign investment, improve quality of foreign investment and encourage overseas investors to continuously expand their investment in China”.

11:13 WTI sits near mid-2018 highs ahead of EIA data.

$ 60 mark – a tough nut to crack. Buoyed by bullish API report & weaker DXY. Eyes on EIA US crude supplies data.

WTI (oil futures on NYMEX) extends its consolidative mode near 2-1/2 year tops into a second day today, as the bulls eagerly await the EIA US crude inventories data for a decisive break above the $ 60 mark.

WTI: Supported near daily pivot of $ 59.60.

The barrel of WTI reversed yesterday’s brief corrective slide, as the bulls are back in control amid expectations of tighter oil markets in 2018 and strengthening Chinese crude demand.

The latest leg higher in the black gold can be attributed to the strong import quotas released by China for 2018, which suggested the world’s second-largest oil consumer will resort to another record buying next year.

Xinhua reported earlier today, China witnessed a 3% monthly drawdown in its crude inventories in November, to 26.15 million tonnes, the lowest level in seven years.

Moreover, the ongoing broad-based weakness in the US dollar also remains supportive of the USD-sensitive oil. Also, a large drop seen in the US crude stockpiles data as released by the API also buoys the sentiment around oil. The API report showed that the US crude oil inventories fell by 6 million barrels in the week to December 22 to 432.8 million.

Furthermore, the commodity has also derived support from the pipeline outages in Libya and the North Sea. Around 550,000 barrels per day (bpd) in oil supplies were disrupted from the Libyan and the North Sea pipeline outage.

Markets now await the official US government crude inventory data due to be published by the EIA for the next direction in oil prices. At the time of writing, WTI rises +0.22% to $ 59.7 while Brent gains +0.32% to $ 66.17.

The resistances are aligned at $60.1 (2-1/2 year tops) ahead of $60.50 (psychological levels) and $61.82 (June 2018 tops). On the downside, supports are located at $59.27 (5-DMA), $58.48 (10-DMA) and $57.88 (Dec 22 low).

11:08 Austria Purchasing Manager Index climbed from previous 61.9 to 64.3 in December.

11:06 Gold jumps to 1-month tops amid notable USD supply, eyeing $1,300 level.

Gold continued scaling higher through the early European session and jumped to fresh monthly tops, with bulls now eyeing the $1300 psychological mark.

The greenback selling pressure remained unabated on Thursday, with the key US Dollar Index falling to 3-month lows and underpinning demand for dollar-denominated commodities - like gold. Adding to this, a mildly softer opening across European equity markets provided an additional boost to the precious metal's safe-haven appeal.

Meanwhile, possibilities of some follow-through technical buying, on a decisive breakthrough 100-day SMA barrier, further collaborated to the yellow meal's strong up-move to its highest level since November 29.

Currently placed near the $1293 region, the yellow metal has gained in excess of 4.5% from near 5-month lows, touched earlier this month, and now look forward to today's second-tier US economic data for some fresh impetus.

Technical levels to watch.

Momentum beyond $1295 horizontal resistance could easily get extended towards the $1300 handle, above which the commodity could head towards testing Oct. monthly highs resistance near the $1306 region.

On the flip side, any meaningful retracement now seems to find immediate support near the $1287 region (100-day SMA), which if broken might trigger a corrective slide towards $1278 horizontal level.

11:04 ECB Eco. Bulletin: Euro area economic expansion is solid and broad-based.

The European Central Bank (ECB) is out with its economic bulletin for the month of December, highlighting the following points:

Euro area economic expansion is solid and broad-based.

Underlying inflation expected to rise gradually.

Ample degree of monetary accommodation still needed to secure a return of inflation close to 2%.

10:31 Sweden Trade Balance (MoM) increased to -3B in November from previous -3.1B.

10:29 AUD/USD hits 2-month tops, peeps above 0.78 handle.

والثور؛ Weaker USD adds fuel to the recent strong rally.

والثور؛ Bullish copper prices provide an additional boost to Aussie.

والثور؛ Second-tier US data unlikely to hinder the bullish trajectory.

The AUD/USD pair extended its relentless rally further beyond 100-day SMA barrier and is currently placed just a few pips above the 0.7800 handle, or 2-month tops.

The pair built on last week's bullish break through the very important 200-day SMA and has now recovered 300-pips from the key 0.75 psychological mark, touched on December 8.

Persistent greenback selling bias, with the key US Dollar Index tumbling to its lowest level since the last week of September, remained supportive of the pair's strong up-move.

Adding to this, the recent strong bullish run-up in copper prices provided an additional boost to the commodity-linked Australian Dollar and further collaborated to the pair's up-move to its highest level since October 24.

Meanwhile, possibilities of some stops being triggered, on a sustained move above 100-DMA hurdle near the 0.7780 region, might have also contributed to the pair's upsurge through the early European session on Thursday.

Moving ahead, traders would now take cues from today's second-tier US economic releases , with an extension of the momentum, led by some follow-through short-covering amid pre-holiday thin liquidity conditions, now looking a distinct possibility.

Technical levels to watch.

Immediate resistance is now pegged near the 0.7835-40 region, above which the pair is likely to dart towards 0.7875-80 supply zone en-route the 0.7900 handle.

On the flip side, 0.7780 area (100-day SMA) now becomes an immediate support to defend, which if broken might trigger a profit-taking slide towards 0.7740-30 horizontal support.

10:09 South Korea: Strong fundamentals continue to support the won - BBH.

Masashi Murata, Research Analyst at BBH, explains that the Korean economy has continued to grow as the Q3 GDP rose 3.8% y/y, the highest growth since Q1 2017.

“Private consumption has improved moderately and investment continues to keep expansion strong. Net exports have been steady thanks largely to the global economic recovery, especially improved conditions in the Chinese economy. The economy is expected to continue its solid growth. President Moon suggests the government will continue its expansionary fiscal policy. The Bank of Korea (BOK) forecasts the economy to grow well over 3% this year on the back of strong exports.”

“The current account surplus peaked but has been steady in spite of a strong won and oil price rises. The current account surplus of GDP is expected to drop to 5.6% in 2017, down from 7.0% in 2018 but still much higher than Japan and China.”

“Inflation pressures have been modest in Korea. Its November headline CPI slowed to 1.3% y/y from 1.8% y/y in October, below the 2% target. Its core CPI rose 1.2% y/y, the lowest rate since December 2018.”

“BOK hiked rates by 25bp to 1.50% in November, which was the first hike since June 2018. The modest inflation pressure is likely to make BOK cautious with respect to additional rate hikes. BOK emphasized that inflationary pressures on the demand side will not be elevated for the time being.”

“The won has been solid in 2017 under strong Korean fundamentals. USD/KRW had dropped to 1076, which is the lowest amount since May 2018. S&P said that it would consider raising South Korea’s sovereign credit rating if North Korea is sincere about stopping its provocative acts. Developments between the US and North Korea might be a risk to the won.”

09:54 USD/CAD falls to 1.26 support, lowest since Oct. 23.

والثور؛ Persistent USD weakness keeps exerting downward pressure.

والثور؛ Bullish oil prices further aggravating the selling bias.

The USD/CAD pair extended last week's rejection slide from the very important 200-day SMA and dropped to over 2-month lows on Thursday.

The pair traded with a bearish bias for the sixth consecutive session and is now threatening to break below 100-day SMA support near the 1.2600 handle amid persistent US Dollar selling bias.

With the passage of a long-awaited US tax reform bill failing to revive the USD demand, the recent rally in crude oil prices provided an additional boost to the commodity-linked currency - Loonie and kept exerting downward pressure around the major.

Meanwhile, thin liquidity conditions, ahead of the year-end holidays, seems to have further aggravated the selling pressure and has now retreated over 300-pips from levels beyond the 1.2900 handle, touched on December 19.

Moving ahead, today's second-tier US economic releases and EIA crude oil inventories data would now be looked upon for some fresh impetus later during the NA session.

Technical levels to watch.

A convincing break below the 1.26 handle is likely to accelerate the fall towards 1.2565 horizontal support before the pair eventually aims towards testing the key 1.25 psychological mark.

On the upside, any recovery attempts might now confront fresh supply near mid-1.2600s, above which a bout of short-covering could lift the pair back beyond the 1.2700 handle.

09:43 BoE: Next rate hike will occur in May 2018 - TDS.

Analysts at TDS believe that the next rate hike from the BoE will occur in May 2018, after the UK and the EU27 have struck a transitional agreement.

“Beyond that, the MPC is likely to continue on a very slow hike path, pausing for one year as Brexit negotiations hit the home stretch. We expect two hikes in 2019. Our forecast is conditioned on continued slow pass-through from the weaker currency to inflation, lower trend supply growth amid decent demand growth, a labor market operating near capacity resulting in wage gains, and a transitional Brexit deal agreed in Q1 that helps lift some uncertainty on households and firms.”

09:40 Fed: Monetary policy will continue to diverge - BBH.

Monetary policy among the major industrialized countries will continue to diverge in the year ahead, which is to say that short-term interest rates will likely continue to widen in the US favour, according to Marc Chandler, Global Head of Currency Strategy at BBH.

“The Federal Reserve is both raising interest rates and allowing its balance sheet to shrink. It continues to anticipate that three rate hikes will likely be appropriate in 2018, as they were in 2017, followed by an additional two in 2019 and one in 2020. In H1 2018, the Fed’s balance sheet will shrink by $150 bln, and in H2 the pace picks up to $270 bln.”

“Unwinding the balance sheet is accomplished by not fully reinvesting the maturing proceeds. It is an unprecedented action. Some observers had expressed concern that just as the purchases were understood to be the easing of monetary policy when the zero-bound had been reached, the reduction of the balance sheet is tantamount to tightening.”

“Our understanding emphasizes the signaling impact of the operations over the material impact. The Fed has clearly indicated that the unwinding of the balance sheet will be on autopilot and not be impacted by high frequency data or interest rate policy. It did warn that if rates need to be cut, it will consider stopping the balance sheet operations if the zero-bound is being approached. The expansion of the balance sheet was about monetary policy, but the unwinding sends no signal about the Fed’s stance.”

“We see parallels with the ease in which the Fed has been able to raise the Fed funds target. Recall that the system is awash with reserves and liquidity, and many observers had been concerned that it would require large open market operations to maintain the target. The surprise is that even as the cycle matures, the Fed’s open market operations remain modest.”

“By the end of 2018, the Federal Reserve will look quite a bit different. There will be a new president of the New York Federal Reserve, the only regional president who is also a permanent voter on the FOMC. We expect the Federal Reserve under Powell to remain on the current path. Powell’s leadership will be tested at the end of the monetary tightening cycle, but that is likely to be some time off. We have been anticipating the real Fed funds rate to peak near zero, which we surmise is close to 2.00%-2.25%.”

“Still, we expect greater continuity at the Federal Reserve than the number of personnel changes might suggest. The new chair seems committed to the course that the Fed is presently on: gradual rate hikes and a pre-set reduction of the Fed’s balance sheet. Mr. Powell revealed in his confirmation hearings that he thought the financial reforms had strengthened the banking system and resolved the too-big-to-fail challenge. He is likely to allow for deregulation, focusing on the small and medium-size financial firms. Several large US banks ramped up their trading capacity in 2017, partly on expectations of some relaxation of the Volcker rule.”

“Many cite the fact that the market has discounted less than half of the 75 bp the Fed expects to hike as a sign of low confidence in the central bank. We argue that the ease in which it has been able to maintain the Fed funds target speaks to its credibility. Also, the early unwinding of the balance sheet has been without incident, and the market has not rushed to discount the entire operation and tighten financial conditions, as some investors feared.”

“We expect US inflation to increase in 2018, with the core PCE deflator edging closer to the Fed’s target. The yield curve (2-year to the 10-year) is likely to continue to flatten into the New Year, but we think there’s a risk that it may steepen later in the year. Our base case, barring new shocks, is for the economy to grow around 2.5%.”

09:36 BoC to hike twice in 2018 - TDS.

In view of analysts at TDS, the Canadian economy is strong enough today to support additional rate hikes in the immediate future (the output gap closed in Q3), but the BoC seems intent on taking a bit of a pause now that the 2018 “insurance cuts” have been removed.

“We look for the BoC to hike twice in 2018, but the Governor's preoccupation with structural issues and political risk factors raises some uncertainty around the timing. If history is any guide, the next shift to a hawkish stance will occur suddenly, which will leave the front end susceptible to large shocks.”

09:31 China: Prudent and neutral monetary policy stance ahead Nomura.

The slight dip in the China CLI, together with the rising CGSI and the improving heat map, implies the measured growth slowdown may proceed in a gradual and shallow manner in December, suggests the research team at Nomura.

“Our China Monetary Policy Signal Index suggests monetary policy will remain prudent and neutral in the months ahead.”

“Does this change our economic view? No. The long-term downward trend of our proprietary indices adds to our conviction of a continued growth slowdown in the quarters ahead. We maintain our forecast of real GDP growth to ease to 6.6% y-o-y in Q4 2017 from 6.8% in Q3.”

09:28 Asia s monthly Iran oil imports drop to lowest in Nov since April 2018 - RTRS.

Reuters quoted a person with knowledge of Iran’s tanker schedules, citing that the imports of Iranian crude oil by major buyers in Asia tumbled 29% in November on an annualized basis to the lowest volumes since April 2018.

“In total, China, India, Japan and South Korea imported 1.36 million barrels per day (bpd) last month from Iran.

The slowdown had been expected, as oil loadings bound for Asia fell below 1.5 million bpd in October.

China, the biggest buyer, purchased 8.8 percent less oil from Iran year-on-year, taking around 557,900 bpd.

Meanwhile, India’s refiners cut Iranian oil imports by more than half in November.

Imports to Japan were down 19 percent from a year earlier to 193,141 barrels per day.”

09:26 Fed to hike rates in June and December 2018 TDS.

Macro team at TDS is looking for the Fed to hike rates in June and December 2018 and suggests that this is less than what is implied by the Fed’s dot plot because they see a delayed pickup in inflation.

“The market is pricing in 1.5 hikes, so there is some room for front-end rates to rise but we think that the catalyst will be a pickup in realized inflation. The extent of deficit-financed tax cuts, if any, can create some upside risk to the number of hikes. The real Fed funds rate will be close to 0% by the end of 2018 and the questions of whether short-term r* is rising and the inflation outlook will be critical for forward guidance.”

“We don’t disagree too much with the 2% terminal rate priced in by the market. We expect the Fed to continue to let the portfolio run off according to the caps, which will amount to $230bn of runoff in 2018. This can put some upward pressure on yields in the belly of the curve.”

09:22 Financial markets not playing their role because of central banks - Natixis.

Patrick Artus, Research Analyst at Natixis, suggests that the highly expansionary monetary policies conducted (examples of the United States and the euro zone) have led to an abnormal rise in market prices of financial assets (bonds, equities), a distortion of relative prices between financial assets (according to whether or not they are purchased by central banks) and squeezing of risk premia (options, peripheral euro-zone bonds, corporate bonds).

“As a result of these effects of monetary policies, financial markets no longer play their role, as equilibrium financial asset prices no longer reflect:

The real value of the underlying assets; Growth prospects; Borrower default risk (companies, governments) or the risk of variability in company results.”

“It does not seem that central banks take into account this microeconomic cost (equilibrium prices in financial markets no longer provide relevant information).”

09:17 GBP/USD: Bulls test 1.3450 as USD selling remains unabated.

DXY refreshes 4-week lows Awaits sentiment on the UK stocks. The UK high street lending, US data on tap.

The GBP/USD pair builds on the Asian gains and advances further towards the midpoint of the 1.34 handle in early Europe, as risk-on market profile combined with persistent broad-based US dollar weakness continue to lend support.

GBP/USD extends the break above 1.3400.

A generalized selling in the US dollar remains the key theme so far this session, boosting the sentiment around GBP/USD, with the bulls now looking to regain 1.3450 levels en route 1.3500.

A sharp drop in the US consumer confidence gauge combined with the retracement in the US Treasury yields, especially the 10-year yields, add to the recent weakness seen around the greenback across its main competitors. The USD index resumed its sell-off to hit fresh four-week lows of 92.44 last minutes, losing -0.23% on the day.

Meanwhile, the pair looks forward to the second-liner Finance mortgage approvals data from the UK docket for fresh momentum ahead of the US initial weekly jobless claims, Chicago PMI and goods trade balance releases.

Also, the sentiment around the London stocks will play a crucial role, after the resource-heavy FTSE 100 index climbed to record highs a day before amid a rally in commodities prices.

According to Haresh Menghani, Analyst at FXStreet, “Technically, the pair now seems poised to extend its up-move towards reclaiming the key 1.35 psychological mark, representing a short-term descending trend-line hurdle. A convincing break through the mentioned handle now seems to pave the way for an extension of the pair’s bullish trajectory towards late Nov./early Dec. highs resistance near mid-1.3500s en-route the 1.3600 handle, marking 61.8% Fibonacci expansion level of 1.3062-1.3550 up-move and subsequent retracement. On the flip side, the 1.3400-1.3390 region now becomes an immediate support to defend, which if broken seems to accelerate the fall back towards 1.3330 intermediate support ahead of the 1.3300 handle.”

09:13 China: Industrial profit growth drops further in November Nomura.

China’s industrial profit growth continued to moderate in November, falling to 14.9% y-o-y from 25.1% in October, notes the research team at Nomura.

“Also, official profit growth has again diverged from profit growth calculated based on profit value, as the latter dropped more sharply by 19.5 percentage points (pp) to 1.5% y-o-y.”

“In year-to-date terms, industrial profit growth ticked down by 1.4pp to 21.9% y-o-y in November. By ownership, the moderation of industrial profit growth was broadly based, with state-owned and collective-owned enterprises recording the most visible slowdown.”

“More essentially, it was falling price inflation that dragged down industrial profit growth in November. According to estimates by the National Bureau of Statistics of China, falling price inflation contributed -13.8pp to the slowdown of industrial profit growth, which is more than its actual moderation in November (10.2pp).”

“In our view, industrial profit growth may continue to moderate in coming months, given the high base and the outlook of weakening investment demand. We maintain our forecast for real GDP growth to ease to 6.6% y-o-y in Q4 2017 before falling to 6.4% in 2018.”

09:05 US Dollar tumbles to over 3-month lows, below mid-92.00s.

والثور؛ USD facing headwinds from a drop in the US bond yields.

والثور؛ Second-tier US economic data eyed for some immediate respite.

The greenback, as measured by the key US Dollar Index , was on defensive through the Asian session on Thursday and languished near 3-month lows, just below mid-92.00s.

With the passage of a long-awaited US tax reform bill failing to impress the bulls, Wednesday's weaker than expected US consumer confidence index triggered a sharp retracement in the US Treasury bond yields and added to the greenback woes.

Meanwhile, portfolio rebalancing ahead of the year-end might have also contributed towards accelerating the buck's recent downward trajectory amid pre-holiday thin trading conditions.

Against the backdrop of stubbornly low inflationary pressure, scepticism over aggressive Fed monetary policy tightening also did little to lend any support and stall the downslide to its lowest level late September.

Later during the early NA session, traders would now take cues from today's second-tier economic data of out of the US, which includes the initial weekly jobless claims, November's goods trade balance data and Chicago PMI for December.

09:01 Turkey Economic confidence index: 95 (December) vs previous 97.9.

09:00 Norway Retail Sales increased to 2.1% in November from previous -0.2%

08:47 Russia HSBC Manufacturing PMI up to 52 in December from previous 51.5.

08:44 EUR/USD: Bulls unstoppable, 1.1940 a whisker away.

DXY weakness extends into Europe. Thin trading underpins. Awaits ECB Bulletin and US data for fresh impetus.

The offered tone around the US dollar keeps growing bigger, now pushing the EUR/USD pair to test the key resistance located near 1.1940 levels, Dec 1 highs.

EUR/USD extends the rally above 1.1900.

The Asian rebound in the spot gained traction in early Europe, with the rates now flirting with fresh four-week tops reached at 1.1933. The move higher is mainly due to a fresh bout of aggressive selling seen in the US dollar against its main competitors, as the sentiment around the buck remains weighed down by the recent declines in Treasury yields and drop in consumer sentiment.

Haresh Menghani, Analyst at FXStreet notes, “Traders now look forward to the ECB Bulletin and the US macro data for some fresh impetus amid pre-holiday thin liquidity conditions. Today's US economic docket features the usual weekly initial jobless claims, wholesale inventories, goods trade balance and Chicago PMI, due for release later during the early NA session.”

Menghani adds: “A follow-through buying interest beyond 1.1950-60 zone has the potential continue boosting the pair further towards the key 1.20 psychological mark en-route 1.2030-35 supply zone. On the flip side, the 1.1900 resistance break-point now becomes an immediate support to defend, which if broken might accelerate the profit-taking slide back towards 1.1855 horizontal support.”

08:19 G10 Rates Outlook: The long and unwinding road - TDS.

In 2018 the global rates markets will continue to grapple with the gradual removal of central bank accommodation, suggests the research team at TDS.

“Global government bond supply net of central bank buying should increase, which should put upward pressure on term premium. However, global FX reserve accumulation due to continued USD weakness should help mute this effect.”

“We believe that global bond correlations on the long-end of the curve will remain high due to the ongoing reach for yield. Correlations on the front-end should also rise as we see gradual hikes from other central banks, depending on the extent of pick-up in inflation. We recommend selling front-end US rates vs Canada and the UK.”

“Further out the curve, we think that US rates can outperform Europe and Canada and NZ should underperform the AU.”

08:19 FX option expiries for Dec 28 NY cut.

FX option expiries for Dec 28 NY cut at 10:00 Eastern Time, via DTCC, can be found below.

- EUR/USD: $1.1800 (E1.1bn)

- GBP/USD: $1.3425 (GBP274mn), $1.3500 (GBP825mn)

- USD/JPY: Y112.00 (USD517mn), Y112.50 (USD435mn), Y113.00 (USD1.8bn), Y113.50 (USD3.5bn)

08:14 US: Modest increase in pending home sales Nomura.

Analysts at Nomura note that US pending home sales were up a modest 0.2% m-o-m in November, following a solid 3.5% increase in October.

“Sales in the South fell 0.4% in November following a sharp pick-up of 7.4%. This decline likely reflects mean reversion after a strong increase following the landfall of major hurricanes in the region. Sales in the West fell notably by 1.8%. Increases in other regions, however, offset declines in the South and West.”

ودقوو]؛ GDP tracking update: The increase in pending home sales in November was broadly in line with our expectations for brokers’ commissions in Q4 (a subcomponent of residential investment). Our Q4 real GDP tracking estimate remains unchanged at 2.7% q-o-q saar.”

08:04 Crypto Today: Bitcoin resumes corrective slide, back below $ 14000.

Bitcoin (BTC/USD), the world’s most known cryptocurrency, stalled its four-day rebound and resumed its corrective slide from the records highs of $ 19,891 levels reached last week. The spot is now losing almost 17% on Bitfinex to trade near $ 13,700.

The renewed weakness seen around the prices is mainly driven by the latest report that the South Korean government is considering options including a potential shutdown of at least some cryptocurrency exchanges to curb the ongoing speculation. Moreover, the recent warnings issued by the financial authorities globally about the risks of a bubble in the asset class, also add to the downside pressure on Bitcoin.

Bitcoin rebounded sharply in the first half of this week, after having booked the worst week since 2018, on the back of resurgent demand that suggested that investors’ interest remains intact heading into the New Year.

Meanwhile, its rival Bitcoin cash and Ethereum drops 13% and 8% to $ 2651 and $ 722.34 respectively. In contrast, Ripple gains 5% to trade at $ 1.31, easing-off record highs of $ 1.37. The total market capitalization of all cryptocurrencies dropped further from $590 billion to $ 553.61 as of writing.

07:45 US: Tax cut to have an impact on corporate earnings and on repatriation of profits - Natixis.

In the end, the United States looks set for a sharp cut in tax on corporate earnings (from 35% to 21%) and a low tax (15.5%) on earnings held abroad and repatriated to the United States, explains Patrick Artus, Research Analyst at Natixis.

“US companies’ available cash flows are therefore going to increase sharply. How will this additional cash flow be used? Might it lead to an increase in corporate investment?”

“When we look at:

The current level of US corporate investment; Whether or not US corporate investment has been reduced by financing problems; The recent and past behaviour of US companies regarding cash holdings, acquisitions, share buybacks, dividend payouts and investment,

it seems that additional available cash flows for companies in the United States could be expected to have only a small effect on investment.”

07:33 USD/JPY breaches 113 support on fresh USD supply.

DXY reverts to 3-1/2-week lows. Downside opening up towards 112.80? Eyes on the US data.

The USD/JPY pair extends its bearish momentum into a fifth day today, mainly driven by a broadly weaker US dollar and better Japanese fundamentals.

The spot came under renewed selling pressure in late Asia/ early Europe, as the US dollar resumed its recent sell-off versus its main rivals, with the USD index now printing fresh 3-1/2 week lows at 92.52 levels.

The greenback remains broadly under pressure for the eighth straight sessions, in the wake of a retreat in 10-year Treasury yields while doubts whether the Fed would deliver on its rate hike expectations next year also weighs down on the buck.

Moreover, better-than-expected Japanese industrial production and retail sales data boosts the sentiment around the Yen, collaborating to the downside in the major. Japan industrial output, retail sales rise more-than-expected in Nov.

Markets looked past the BoJ’s Summary of Opinions report, as all eyes now remain on the USD dynamics and risk trends ahead of the US macro news for fresh momentum.

FXStreet’s Chief Analyst, Valeria Bednarik, explained, “The pair maintains a neutral stance in the short-term, as in the 4 hours chart, technical indicators remain flat in neutral territory, while the pair continues developing above its 100 and 200 SMAs, which continue losing upward strength. As mentioned in previous updates, the immediate support is the 112.90 level, with declines limited as long as the pair remains above it. Support levels: 112.90 112.60 112.00. Resistance levels: 113.40 113.70 114.00.”

07:19 US: Consumer confidence fell to 122.1 in December Nomura.

Analysts at Nomura note that US consumer confidence fell to 122.1 in December (from November’s 128.6) and came in below expectations (Nomura and Consensus 128.0), driven by a moderation in consumers’ optimism about near-term conditions.

“Although consumers’ assessment of the present situation remained highly elevated and improved to 156.6 from 154.9, the index of future expectations index fell notably to 99.1 from 111.0. Much of the confidence about the current situation is likely due to an improving labor market. The labor market differential index (“jobs plentiful’ minus “jobs hard to get”) remained strong at 20.5 (down slightly from 20.7 in November), highlighting continued strength in the labor market.”

07:15 UK economy losing momentum Natixis.

After growing above expectations and leading the G7 in 2018, UK output growth slowed markedly to 1.5% y/y throughout 2017, as Brexit uncertainty undermined business investment while sterling depreciations fuelled higher inflation, explains Sylwia Hubar, Research Analyst at Natixis.

“Despite the growth pick-up in exporting partners and a more competitive level of sterling, real GDP grew by 0.4% q/q in Q3 – the second slowest growth in the G7 after Japan – on the back of softening business investment (+0.2% q/q) and negative trade contribution (-0.5% q/q). On the upside, private consumption rebounded by 0.6% q/q in Q3 after slowing to 0.2% in Q2 (down from 0.9% in Q2 2018). As a result, the year-on-year growth rate remained at its Q2 level of 1.5%, well below last year’s average of 2.8%. Private consumption has been helped by robust employment growth and low interest rates. In contrast, subpar nominal wages – expanding below inflation – are likely to continue denting household purchasing power in the final quarter of 2017, as inflation reached 3.1% in November.”

“In the period ahead, uncertainty surrounding Brexit (first about the transition period and subsequently about trade and future relations) is going to weigh on investor and business sentiment. On the upside, robust global trade and an advantageous level of sterling should continue adding to exporters’ profit margins, which along with low cost of capital and limited excess capacity, are likely to ease somewhat the drag on investment stemming from Brexitrelated uncertainties. Private consumption is set to regain strength gradually as depreciationfuelled inflation eases and wages pick up.”

“UK should continue growing at a reduced level of potential, yet risks are tilted to the downside amid Brexit negotiations. On the upside, Brexitrelated worries have been downplayed in mid-December as the EU and the UK agreed to move forward to the second phase of negotiations. In addition, sound fiscal performance in 2017 has provided the UK with leeway to consolidate fiscal finances at a slower pace or even loosen fiscal stance should the economy disappoint.”

“The BoE has decided to withdraw some of its Brexit-induced stimulus and increased the Bank Rate by 25bps to 0.5% in early November. The MPC Committee indicated more interest rate increases over the next two years. We have kept our forecast of status quo in 2018 on the back of squeezed household purchasing power and postponed business investment, yet any larger upside news in 2018 could make us change our call.”

07:04 UK: Brexit drives investment climate - BBH.

In view of Marc Chandler, Global Head of Currency Strategy at BBH, the UK economy is likely to sustain growth near the 2017 pace of around 1.5% year-over-year and price pressures should ease, and this will bolster the purchasing power of households, which has been eroded by the decline in real wages. More than macroeconomic variables, however, Brexit may drive the investment climate, he further adds.

“Nine months after triggering Article 50, the UK seems woefully unprepared. The Chancellor of the Exchequer acknowledged that there had not been the formal cabinet discussion of a post-Brexit trade relationship that is desired. The Brexit Secretary admitted that there were no quantitative studies conducted on the cost of Brexit, nor was there industry impact research.”

“It took more than a third of the two-year time limit to address three issues: its financial obligations, the right of EU citizens in the UK after Brexit, and the Irish border. Even now, the judgment that sufficient progress has been made for talks to proceed to the next stage does not mean that they have been resolved. One of the most vexing issues is where to locate the hard border for customs and passport checks when the UK leaves the single market.”

“The EU and Ireland insist that the border cannot be between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. The Democratic Unionist Party, which gives May her parliamentary majority, will not accept a hard border between the UK and Northern Ireland. The UK’s promise of “regulatory equivalence” may be sufficient for talks to progress, but they cannot end there.”

“Given the numerous authorities that must approve the new agreement, the EU is aiming to complete the second stage of negotiations, which will focus on the new trade relationship and transition period, by the end of October 2018. The hard end date is March 31, 2019, two years after Article 50 was triggered. The EU appears to seek a trade agreement with the UK similar to the one that was struck with Canada in 2017 after several years of negotiating, which nearly failed to be approved unanimously as required. Talks of a new trade agreement between the UK and EU are unlikely to begin until the March 2018 summit. The first part of next year will likely be spent discussing the transition period that the UK seeks.”

“Former Prime Minister Cameron promised the non-binding referendum on EU membership as a way to heal the fissure within the Tory Party. Not only did he make the referendum binding, committing the UK to a momentous decision on a 52%-48% vote, but the Tory Party remains profoundly divided. The divide would be difficult for even the most adroit leader to navigate. The bookmakers put even odds on May remaining at 10 Downing Street a year out. May’s Tory Party rivals recognize that the near-impossible must be delivered, and Labour is running ahead in the polls for the first time in years.”

06:59 Forex Today: Antipodeans rally in Asia, ECB Bulletin, UK data eyed.

The Antipodeans emerged the top gainer in a quiet Asian session this Thursday, replicating the moves seen in Asia a day before. No fresh catalysts were in sight for the rally, except for the overnight rally in commodities’ prices. Meanwhile, the US dollar failed to sustain the recovery attempts across its main competitors, which added to the weight on USD/JPY. Also, the upbeat Japanese datasets boosted the Yen, sending USD/JPY briefly below 113 handle.

Among other related markets, the Asian stocks traded mostly higher near one-year tops, while gold prices eased-off 4-week tops near $ 1293. WTI remained better bid, but below the $ 60 mark.

Japan said to mull developing long-range cruise missile: Sankei.

Japan industrial output, retail sales rise more-than-expected in Nov.

Reuters offers key details on the Japanese industrial output and retail sales data released earlier today, with the main points found below.

Gold consolidates near 4-week tops, $ 1300 still in sight.

Gold futures on Comex eased-off multi-week tops reached at $ 1293.20 in the overnight trades, now consolidating yesterday’s rally amid broad-based US dollar recovery.

South Korea Govt to carry out additional measures regarding cryptocurrency trading.

Reuters came out with the latest headlines on cryptocurrencies, citing that the South Korean government is planning to conduct an additional review of the cryptocurrency exchanges.

Yet another data-quiet EUR calendar today, with the UK high street lending data and ECB economic bulletin due to be reported. Meanwhile, we have the final batch of US economic data for this year lined up for release, which includes the US jobless claims, Chicago PMI, goods trade balance and EIA crude inventories report.

EUR/USD refreshes 4-week tops near 1.1910, what’s next?

The EUR/USD pair staged a solid comeback in the Asian trades, having bounced-off the daily pivot located at 1.1885 levels in a bid to regain the 1.1900 mark.

GBP/USD: Will buyers retain control above 1.3400?

The bulls regained poise after the overnight dip, now pushing GBP/USD pair back towards the two-week tops of 1.3430, as we progress towards the early European trading.

Oil due for a 'sharp correction' in 2018 - Barclays.

CNBC reports the commentary from Michael D. Cohen, head of energy commodities research, Barclays, arguing that oil prices risk a ‘sharp correction’ in 2018.

State of the American Wallet: What's in Store for 2018?

MarketWatch has "One Sure-Fire Prediction for 2018 " Americans will take on even more debt.

06:55 The late, great return of inflation TDS.

Analysts at TDS suggest that markets continue to doubt that most central banks will be able to reach their inflation targets anytime soon.

“Our analysis suggests Phillips Curves are not dead: with a lag, tighter labor markets and above-trend growth will translate into higher core inflation and tighter monetary policy in 2018.”

“Headline inflation forecast errors are highly correlated with oil prices and exchange rates. Given our forecasts, we expect consensus and central bank expectations for 2018 headline inflation rates may need to be revised higher.”

“Exchange rate dynamics could create complications for inflation targeting central banks. Appreciating currencies may work against higher inflation for some inflation-targeting central banks, but a weak USD may boost global inflation via easier global credit conditions and petrodollar recycling.”

“Structural factors likely are helping to hold down trend inflation in advanced economies, but we do not see a need to resort to novel explanations for recent low inflation data.”

06:48 BOJ: Yield curve targeting - BBH.

The Bank of Japan’s (BOJ’s) efforts to stimulate inflation shifted from its quantitative and qualitative easing to targeting the ten-year bond yield (+/- 10 bp), points out Marc Chandler, Global Head of Currency Strategy at BBH.

“It had already set the deposit rate at negative 10 bp. This yield curve management requires the purchase of few government bonds, though it continues to buy other assets including ETFs and corporate bonds.”

“It should not be surprising if BOJ bond buying under the yield curve management strategy falls to JPY30-JPY40 trillion rather than the declaratory policy of JPY80 trillion. Some observers have called this tapering, but that is not the signaling impact. Nor have there been other signs that investors believe the BOJ is reducing its effort to secure greater price pressures.”

“BOJ Governor Kuroda’s term is up near mid-year. A BOJ governor has not served two terms in modern history. We suspect Mr. Kuroda may be offered a second term. However, even if he is not, we suspect the activist approach to monetary policy will be shared by his successor. Prime Minister Abe has influenced the BOJ the way that President Trump will influence the Federal Reserve: through the power of appointment. The BOJ board is now comprised of men with the same general philosophy as Kuroda (whose name means black) rather than his predecessor Shirakawa (whose name means white).”

“The year-over-year core rate, which excludes fresh food, rose from -0.2% at the end of 2018 to 0.8% in October 2017. While still well shy of the 2% target, there has been some significant progress, and we expect more next year. We expect the spring wage round to agree with something on par with this year’s 2% increase. If the global synchronized recovery continues into 2018, as looks likely, and if global bond yields rise, there is some risk that the BOJ raises its target on 10-year JGBs.”

“Prime Minister Abe is committed to lifting the sales tax in 2019 to 10% from 8%. If the previous hike is any guide, the anticipation of the tax increase may boost consumption late next year. There may be some political pressure to delay it again, but the economy is performing better than it has in years.”

06:12 Five oil signals to watch in 2018 - BBG.

Bloomberg is out with the five key barometers to watch out for in oil markets as 2018 unfolds:

WTI’s discount to Brent closed at its widest level in more than two years on Tuesday. With shale growth driving forecasts of record U. S. supply in 2018 that could lead to a further expansion in the spread.

Brent crude surged into a bullish, backwardated structure this year as OPEC-led output cuts tightened global supplies. December 2018 futures climbed to their highest premium ever versus the same month for 2019 this week, and the spread may expand further as OPEC’s cuts drive the oil market toward balance next year.

With geopolitical risks flaring in a host of major oil producers, funds have been busy snapping up bullish oil options contracts that would profit from a sharp spike in crude prices.

Despite those risks, volatility has plunged to the lowest in more than three years in recent weeks as a steady grind higher in prices took some of the fizz out of the oil market.

The market is heading into 2018 near a record number of bullish bets in Brent and WTI combined, exchange data show. Those contracts, which now outstrip bearish ones by seven to one, have led to concerns that crude may soon see a speculator-driven slump.

06:04 GBP/USD: Will buyers retain control above 1.3400?

DXY on the defensive. Risk-on underpins. The UK high street lending, US data – key.

The bulls regained poise after the overnight dip, now pushing GBP/USD pair back towards the two-week tops of 1.3430, as we progress towards the early European trading.

GBP/USD finds support just below 1.34 handle.

The risk-on sentiment is back in vogue on the back of the recent rally in commodities prices and positive performance on the Asian stock markets, which offered the fresh impetus to the risk currency GBP, driving the rates back above the 1.34 handle.

More so, persistent broad-based US dollar weakness combined with holiday-thinned trading remains supportive of the renewed strength seen around Cable. The USD index stalls its recovery mode and drops back towards 4-week lows of 92.53, despite a positive tone seen around the US rates. It’s worth noting that the reversal in 10-year Treasury yields from multi-month tops is the main driver of the ongoing broad USD weakness.

Markets now await the sentiment on the European markets and the UK Finance mortgage approvals data for fresh trading opportunities ahead of the US jobless claims, Chicago PMI and goods trade balance releases.

GBP/USD Forecast 2018: Sterling seen rangebound falling prey to Brexit mood swings.

According to Valeria Bednarik, Chief Analyst at FXStreet, “The pair poses a modest positive stance according to technical readings in the 4 hours chart, as the pair is above a marginally bullish 20 SMA, also detaching from the 200 EMA that stands around 1.3340 with a modest upward slope. Technical indicators in the mentioned chart continue lacking directional strength, with the Momentum still around its 100 level, but the RSI indicator holding higher, around 57, this last leaning the scale towards the upside. The pair has multiple relevant highs in the 1.3465 region, a probable top for the upcoming sessions. Support levels: 1.3410 1.3375 1.3340. Resistance levels: 1.3420 1.3465 1.3500.”

05:49 South Korean authorities to review closing crypto exchanges.

According to Reuters, South Korean authorities are set to review closing crypto exchanges.

S. Korea government to carry out additional countermeasures regarding cryptocurrency trading.

The government says will ban opening anonymous cryptocurrency account.

To cautiously review closing cryptocurrency exchanges.

05:19 EUR/USD refreshes 4-week tops near 1.1910, whats next?

DXY recovery fizzles. Back above 1.1900. ECB Bulletin and US data eyed.

The EUR/USD pair staged a solid comeback in the Asian trades, having bounced-off the daily pivot located at 1.1885 levels in a bid to regain the 1.1900 mark.

EUR/USD trades above all major DMAs.

Markets seem to be adopting the ‘Buy the dips’ strategy in the spot, paving way for further upside momentum, with the next 1.1940/45 target in sight. Investors remain optimistic over the Eurozone growth outlook in 2018, especially after the ECB substantially revised the Eurozone growth estimates to the upside.

Moreover, the major also takes advantage of the ongoing weakness seen in the US dollar across its main competitors, in the wake of a retreat in the US 10-year Treasury yields from nine-month tops of 2.504% reached last week.

Kathy Lien at BK Asset Management wrote: “Although this morning's U. S. economic reports were weaker, with consumer confidence falling sharply and pending home sales growth slowing, the decline in the greenback began well before the data was released. The catalyst was U. S. yields, which started the day lower, sapping the hope for an end of year dollar rally. Though the selloff in the dollar today was modest given the nearly 6bp drop in 10-year yields. ودقوو]؛

The pair now awaits the ECB Bulletin and the last set of relevant macro news from the US docket for this year while light trading will continue to persist ahead of the New Year holiday break.

Valeria Bednarik, Chief Analyst at FXStreet, noted: “In the 4 hours chart, the price remains above all of its moving averages, albeit the 200 SMA advances faster than the 100 SMA, both now converging around 1.1810, a clear sign of limited momentum upward. In the same chart, the RSI indicator consolidates around 65, while the Momentum indicator keeps heading higher at 1-week high, all of which indicates a possible test of December high of 1.1940, en route to 1.2000. Support levels: 1.1855 1.1830 1.1800. Resistance levels: 1.1940 1.1975 1.2000.”

04:52 Oil due for a sharp correction in 2018 - Barclays.

CNBC reports the commentary from Michael D. Cohen, head of energy commodities research, Barclays, arguing that oil prices risk a ‘sharp correction’ in 2018.

“On the supply side, OPEC compliance is high and Venezuela's production keeps slipping significantly month to month. Other countries including Iraq, Nigeria, and Libya could see disruptions in the coming year.

Outages in the North Sea and hurricanes have unexpectedly tightened the market in the past six months, supporting OPEC's longstanding efforts since 2017 to rebalance it.

These fundamental factors and OPEC countries' willingness to keep their production in check have reduced excess inventories by half as the New Year arrives.

As a result, investors are positioned for a bull rally, leaving the oil market susceptible to a sharp correction should the fundamentals disappoint.

That is one of several reasons why we are retaining our bearish stance for next year, and we expect Brent prices to average $55 per barrel.

So the New Year's resolutions are clear: U. S. producers are pledging to tighten their belts, and OPEC plans to keep reducing the inventory excess.

But the recent higher price environment makes achieving these resolutions more difficult and sets the market up for a tumultuous year.”

04:41 Gold consolidates near 4-week tops, $ 1300 still in sight.

Gold futures on Comex eased-off multi-week tops reached at $ 1293.20 in the overnight trades, now consolidating yesterday’s rally amid broad-based US dollar recovery.

Gold prices trades little changed so far this session, although remains on track to book the third straight weekly rise, as the traditional safe-haven continues to derive support from cautious markets, as they head into the Next Year, with the North Korean nuke threats, EU political instability and Fed rate hike expectations expected to emerge the main risks in 2018.

The stalled rally in the yellow metal during the Asian trades is largely on the back of a minor-recovery staged by the US dollar against its main peers while risk-on market profile amid higher Asian equities and oil prices dull the attractiveness of the safe-haven assets such as gold. The USD index flirts with session tops of 92.68, having found some support near 92.55 region.

Focus now shifts towards the US jobless claims, goods trade balance, and Chicago PMI data for fresh incentives, as markets still digest the upbeat US pending home sales data released a day before.

Eren Sengezer, Analyst at FXStreet, noted: “The CCI indicator on the daily chart for the pair continues to float above the 100 mark, suggesting that buyers are still in control of the price action. $1300 (psychological level) could be seen as the first critical resistance. A decisive rise above that level could open the door to $1306 (Oct. 16 high) and $1313 (Sep. 29 high). On the downside, supports align at $1272 (50-DMA/200-DMA), $1265 (Dec. 22 low) and $1259 (Dec. 19 low).”

04:11 South Korea Govt to carry out additional measures regarding cryptocurrency trading.

Reuters came out with the latest headlines on cryptocurrencies, citing that the South Korean government is planning to conduct an additional review of the cryptocurrency exchanges.

South Korea government to carry out additional countermeasures regarding cryptocurrency trading.

The government says will ban opening anonymous cryptocurrency account.

And to cautiously review closing cryptocurrency exchanges.

04:05 PBOC sets USD/CNY central rate at 6.5412 vs. 6.5421 previous.

On Thursday, the Chinese central bank, PBOC, sets USD/CNY central rate at 6.5412 versus Wednesday’s 6.5421.

The PBOC skipped open market operations (OMOs) for the fifth straight session today while draining a net CNY 30 billion in OMOs.

04:02 Japan industrial output, retail sales rise more-than expected in Nov.

Reuters offers key details on the Japanese industrial output and retail sales data released earlier today, with the main points found below.

“Japan’s industrial output rose more than expected in November and companies forecast a further increase in December as robust overseas demand continues to support factory activity and broader economic growth.

The positive impulse was also seen in retail sales, which topped expectations last month as shoppers spent more on fuel, electronics, and cars in an encouraging sign for domestic demand.

The data support growing optimism among government officials and Bank of Japan policymakers that the economy can carry its recent run of strong growth into next year.

Industrial output rose in November due to increased production of memory chips, equipment used to make semiconductors, and heavy machinery used in construction.”

03:49 NZD/USD rebounds to hit fresh 10-week tops, 0.7100 closer.

Resilient to DXY rebound. Benefits from higher oil prices, risk-on. US data in focus.

Having consolidated briefly around 0.7070 levels in the overnight trades, the NZD/USD pair caught a fresh bid-wave and rebounded sharply in a bid to refresh ten-week tops near 0.7080 levels.

NZD/USD on its way to 200-DMA at 0.7132.

Despite a minor-recovery seen in the US dollar against its main competitors, the Kiwi holds ground and remains strongly bid amid better sentiment towards risk assets, as reflected by higher Asian equity markets, which trade at one-month tops.

Also, the major derives support from its OZ counterpart, Aussie, which trades firmer on positive commodities’ prices, with copper sitting at four-year tops and gold prices at four-week highs.

Moreover, positive oil prices, in response to large API crude stocks draw, further collaborate to the upside in the resource-linked NZD. Meanwhile, thin trading remains the key theme so far this week, providing extra legs to the bullish momentum seen around the spot, with the key 200-DMA resistance of 0.7132 in sight.

Markets now look forward to a fresh batch of the US economic releases due later tonight, especially after yesterday’s upbeat US pending home sales data and optimistic consumer confidence .

The pair finds next resistances at 0.7100 (round figure), 0.7132 (200-DMA) and 0.7150 (psychological levels). Meanwhile, the supports are located at 0.7044/33 (5 & 100-DMA), 0.7000 (key support) and 0.6974 (20-DMA).

02:45 USD/JPY finds support ahead of 113.00.

USD/JPY finds support above 113.0 USD on the back foot amid thin liquidity USD/JPY technicals show neutral conditions.

USD/JPY has found support ahead of the 113.00 area, last trading at 113.20, with extreme thin conditions being the norm.

Fundamentally, Valeria Bednarik, Chief Analyst at FXStreet, notes: "The fact that the pair closed marginally higher comes as a surprise, considering persistent dollar's weakness and another batch of upbeat macroeconomic releases coming from Japan at the beginning of the day. Housing starts fell by less than expected during November, printing -0.4% against the previous -4.8% and the expected -2.5% while construction orders rose by 20.5%, from previous 6.7%, both yearly basis."

Valeria adds: "The pair maintains a neutral stance in the short-term, as in the 4 hours chart, technical indicators remain flat in neutral territory, while the pair continues developing above its 100 and 200 SMAs, which continue losing upward strength. As mentioned in previous updates, the immediate support is the 112.90 level, with declines limited as long as the pair remains above it."

02:34 USD/CNY model projects the fix at 6.5500 - Nomura.

Nomura's model projects the fix to be 79 pips higher than the previous fix (6.5500 from 6.5421) and 55 pips lower than the previous official spot USD/CNY close of 6.5555.

The basket implied change is 66 pips lower than the previous official spot USD/CNY close (6.5489 from 6.5555), Nomura adds.

02:12 Japan Retail Trade s. a (MoM) registered at 1.9% above expectations (0%) in November.

02:11 Japan Large Retailer s Sales came in at 1.4%, above expectations (-0.6%) in November.

01:53 Japan Industrial Production (YoY) registered at 3.7%, below expectations (6%) in November.

01:51 Japan Retail Trade (YoY) registered at 2.2% above expectations (1.2%) in November.

01:51 Japan Industrial Production (MoM) meets forecasts (0.5%) in November.

01:51 Japan Foreign investment in Japan stocks increased to 76.2B in December 22 from previous -622.5B.

01:51 Japan Foreign bond investment rose from previous 51Bto 434.2B in December 22.

01:15 Option expiries for today s NY cut.

Option expiries for today's NY cut at 10:00ET, via DTCC, can be found below.

- EUR/USD: $1.1650(E617mn), $1.1685(E325mn), $1.1700(E644mn), $1.1800(E1.09bn), $1.1815(E423mn), $1.1850(E403mn), $1.1865(E313mn),

- USD/JPY: Y111.50($452mn), Y112.00($517mn), Y112.50(435mn), Y113.00($1.8bn), Y113.50($3.5bn), Y115.00($490mn), $116.50($2.29bn)

- GBP/USD: $1.3425(Gbp274mn), $1.3500(Gbp825mn), $1.3600(Gbp370mn), $1.3800(Gbp530mn)

- AUD/USD: $0.7750(A$301mn), $0.7800(A$297mn), $0.7850(A$321mn), *USD/CAD: C$1.2650($280mn), C$1.2810-15($389mn)

01:02 South Korea Industrial Output (YoY) came in at -1.6%, below expectations (1%) in November.

01:01 South Korea Industrial Output Growth registered at 0.2%, below expectations (1.2%) in November.

01:01 South Korea Service Sector Output up to 2.5% in November from previous -1.7%

00:48 Japan said to mull developing long-range cruise missile: Sankei.

Japan said to mull developing long-range cruise missile, according to Sankei.

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